The Aerial Phenomena Research Organization (APRO), was founded in 1952 by Mrs. Coral Lorenzen in Illinois, and later moved to Tucson Arizona where it remained under Mrs. Lorenzen and her husband, Jim, until they both passed away in the early 80's. Leadership was then passed on to Mr.& Mrs Heft. In 1987, APRO was moved to Illinois and established it as a 501c not for profit organization. The purpose of APRO, is to help resolve some of the questions posed by the continued existance of UFO reports. Throughout it's history, APRO has led the UFO research effort, pioneering those concept which are now mainstays of the field. It sought intrest and support from the academic community and established as ever growing panel of scientific consultants. It initiated the concept of UFO symposia as a means of providing these consultants an opportunity to exchange and publish their ideas on the subject.
The idea of recruiting a special contingent of field investigator to conduct on-site reasearch, was also initiated by APRO. APRO is continuing to seek those individuals who would like to join our ranks to fill the positions as field investigators. Another reason for the existence of APRO is because of the information gathered. Because it comes from individuals of such diverse backgrounds and is collected under such a variety of circumstances, much of which sometimes cannot be verified. We do not take a stance by using any personal or published theory. Many ufologist's are convinced that UFO's are evidence of surveillance of our planet by Extraterrestrials. Some claim that all UFO sighting reports can be simply explained away. Belief and disbelief run rampent on this subject, and there is in the end no agreement among anyone as to what is fact and what is not.
APRO takes no position in regards to the cases it is offered, other than to record all possible FACTS, and then present these FACTS to the public, allowing them to make their own conclusions. APRO also tries fill other areas such as: a place where people can report UFO experiences without fear of ridicule. To pursue a vigorous comparative study of all reports. To be a good source of information to individual researchers and the general public.
This website represents APRO in the State of Texas. Membership is open to all, and experience is not a requirement. The only requirement is to have an open and questioning mind. If you have the desire to help. Please feel free to contact me or APRO HQ for membership information and application. We are just getting started again in Texas, and this is a great opportunity to get in on the ground floor as it were.
I wish to thank you for stopping by this website and at least giving it a read. If you reside in Texas and you wish to report any observations or incidents, or for membership information I can be reached at the e-mail address below or you can get the information you need off our contact page. Again on behalf of Mr Bill Heft the National Director, Marvin Maxson Texas State Director, and myself we thank you for stopping by.