Humor Section of My Nest
2004's jokes: (this bunch is from Aubrey)
If at first you don't succeed, destroy all evidence that you tried.
Some days it's just not worth gnawing through the leather straps.
Your proctologist called. They found your head. <<<< LOL!!!
I think the aliens forgot to remove your anal probe.
I don't repeat gossip, so listen carefully.
Ninety-eight percent of all Fords are still on the road. The other two percent made it home.
The rest of 2004's jokes are here NEW!
Jokes from December 2002 :)
2002 - March :)
December's Jokes - the last installment of 2001!
Two Thousand and One - a Laugh Odyssey August, September, October
2001 - oh, you know the drill. Here's July! :)
2001: A Laugh Odyssey All of June's Jokes! :)
2001:A Laugh Odyssey April's gatherings. :) And May's! Yippee!
2001: A Laugh Odyssey Part two: February and March. :)
2001: A Laugh Odyssey The jokes gathered over January and the first part of February. :)
The Cure for the summertime blues by all sorts of ppl. :)