Japanese Name:Kino Makoto
Meaning:Faithfulness Of Tree
Identies:Makoto(Mako), Sailor Jupiter,Super Sailor Jupiter,Kino Makoto,Lita
Favorite Food:Cherry Pie and Meatloaf
Least Favorite Food: None
Blood Type:0+
Birthday: December 5th
Astrological Sign:Saggitarius
Age: 14
School: Juuban Junior High School
Favorite Subject:Home Economics
Least Favorite Subject: Pysics
Favorite Colors: Sugar Pink,and Green
Favorite Gemstone: Emerald
Favorite Animal: Horse
Hobbies: Cooking,Bargain hunting,Reading Romantice Novels.
Strong Points: Cooking,Strong Athletic,Good Fighter
Weaknesses: Trouble with airplanes and cheaters
Dreams: To become a bride,to work in a flower or bakery store,to be a world famoous chef
Best Friend(Girl): Mina
BestFriend(Guy): Ken
Boyfriends:Andrew(a guy that works at the video arcade) Freddy, and Meesha(an ice skater)
In The Past: Jupiter when they were on the Moon Kingdom once went out with Nephrite.
Powers: Jupiter Thunder Crash,Supreme Thunder Crash,Sparkling Wide pressure,Jupiter Thunder Dragon.

SailorJupiter Sounds

Jupiter Thunder Dragon
Jupiter Star Power

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