This site contains only my own fanfiction right now, but, in time, I hope
to see others contributing to this archive. If you would like to submit
your own Star Wars fiction effort to this site, you are quite welcome.
My criteria for fiction for this section of the Jedi Warriors' Page is
that the actions of the Jedi in the stories be in character for Jedi Warriors.
If you have a humorous piece of fan fiction, however, it might be suitable
for my Force-Inspired Silliness page, where
just about ennathing goes (if it's not rated R or NC-17 that is!) Stay
tuned! I'll be looking for a way to put up some more racy stuff soon. And
all slash (PG-13 or under for now) is welcome on this site. I'm most definitely
slash-friendly! (See below... ) ;=)
Flow of the Force --9-year old initiate
Obi-Wan Kenobi undergoes a difficult training exercise.
Meditations in the Web--Qui-Gon and Obi-Wan
meditate after a gruelling session of sparring.
Rope Tricks--Qui-Gon and Obi-Wan teach
some unorthodox fighting techniques to a class of initiates. Afterwards,
Obi-Wan gets his own lesson.
Moment of Eternity--Obi-Wan enters another
reality in a moment of extremity. PG, but SLASH. If the idea of two men
loving each other in more than platonic ways offends you, then don't read
this one!
Contact me here!
This page last updated December 13, 1999.
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