"Finally a third season worthy of the series" |
"Wonderful work!" |
"BRAVO!" |
"Season 3 - the way it should have been..." |
"Excellent work!" |
"It's an excellent story" |
"In these new Season 3 episodes I believe you've restored Millenium" |
"Great! I loved it! I gotta tell you I had tears in my eyes when I finished the last of the three parter" |
"I wish someone would buy your alternate series and produce them for TV" |
"I have never been so impressed with fiction on the web that I have been compelled to write to the author, but I felt it was warranted in this case" |
"You have my vote for the most intelligent and entertaining "virtual season" episodes" |
These comments are extracted from the following messages received by e-mail, guestbook and Usenet regarding the Alternative Season 3. If you want your own comments included, please email redkettle@my-Deja.com or leave a note in the Guestbook.
Jeanannd jeanannd@aol.com
Subject: Re: SEASON 3 OPENER
Wonderful, great fanfic....can we have more?
From: JLeo1999@aol.com
Subject: alt.season 3
I am very impressed with your version of season 3. I was disturbed when the
season opened with very little mention of the virus which had seemed
unstoppable and which was spreading with ultra pandemic speed. I believe I
heard them say "70 people died"(?) perhaps I have that wrong but in any case
it was nowhere near what the previous episodes lead us to think. That being
said, the last two episodes of season 2 were the one to really capture me. I
wish hat they had continued with something like your version, because it is
the only way the show really could make sense. I was never sure why serial
killers (in the 1st season) had anything to do with the millennium. But then
it seemed,in the 2nd season that it had just been a long windup which
impressed me ,(although I found out that that was just a happy accident)
Anyway, sorry to take up your time, thanks again for the great
writing,please give us more.
Sincerely Cynthia
Subject: Re: Why do an Alternative Season 3?
Dear Red Kettle,
I printed them out on Friday evening and read them on Sunday morning sitting
on the deck with a cup of coffee. I gotta tell you, you did one hell of a
job! I was turning pages as fast as I could! It's a pity that the real
Season 3 didn't follow your example! It was very satisfying to see the
happenings in and leading up to Time Is Now followed through like we were
hoping for on the screen last September. You wrote in such a way that I
could literally picture everything that was happening! Why do an Alternative
Season 3?? Because it gives you and your readers a sense of satisfaction and
I especially liked the story of Henry & Linda Black going to the cabin in the
woods (I"m assuming Frank was conceived on this night?) And I especially
liked the scene with Lucy hovering over Catherine and forcing Frank to make a
I'm also a big fan of the Virtual Season 4, and well, I guess I'm just a
plain old MM fanatic!! LOL I even wrote a few reviews on Dan Owen's website.
When my little group of friends stopped watching, I didn't have anyone to
discuss it with and writing the reviews gave me an outlet. Dan turned me on
to the newsgroup and I've been pretty much lurking ever since -- but enjoying
the discussions.
I admire your determination and work in writing these episodes and all I can
say is keep 'em comin'!!
From: JLeo1999@aol.com
Subject: Re: alt.season 3
Dear Redkettle:
I am thrilled that another installment is on the way! And I wanted to
mention that I really appreciated the appearance of Yaponchik in "T2alt3".The
appearance of the antichrist is rather necessary at the end of it all. A
couple of questions: In the first season the was very little mention of the
actual millennium. Indeed, the show for the first 5 or 6 episodes seemed to
be just a very dark version of "Profiler." If Chris Carter didn't mean it to
be a show about the end of the world (according to some interviews) then why
name it millennium? Do you know any background about how this got sold to the
network and what the original vision was? Also, you seem to be attuned to the
mythic quasi-religious tone of the second season. This is the season that
made sense to me, but I get the feeling from reading some on line reviews
that this was too wacko for most people. Do people really want a more
simplistic show or (and here I reveal my paranoia) did this sort of story
line offend people belonging to certain religious groups? Anyway, if you have
any facts or thoughts I would appreciate them.
thank you,
Sincerely, Cynthia
From: "Joseph Reyna" <jreyna@home.com
Just wanted to send you my thanks for the wonderful writing.
In these new Season 3 episodes I believe you've restored Millenium.
The Fox Network's Season 3 was such a disappointment, but I stuck with
the show, still entranced by Frank Black's sojourn, at times reminding
me of a collection of stories drawn from the Old Testament, but
presented in so haphazard a fashion. However ill-prepared the final
episode was, Frank Black's closing comments still echo in my mind.
After reading TEOTWAKI2 I felt your resolution of the fates of Lara
Means and Catherine, and the price both Peter and Frank have paid,
seemed much more in keeping with the core of Millenium's storyline. I
applaud your efforts, and I look forward to the continuation of
Alternate Season Three.
It's also interesting to me that I can read and enjoy, albeit in a
different manner, the Virtual Season 4 that is ongoing at the Millenium
Compendium website. Even considering it's differing resolutions and
character losses, it still captures in its own way some of the original
sense of Millenium.
This all simply reinforces my belief that MILLENIUM, at its best, taps
into our deepest fears, while still acknowledging the essential
importance of faith amidst the darkest times. I don't think I could ask
any dramatic program to deliver more so succintly and effectively.
Good luck in your continuing efforts. I look forward to much enjoyable
From: JLeo1999@aol.com
Subject: Re: alt.season 3
Dear Redkettle:
Did I like "T3"? Wow! It was great Finally, an actual follow up that makes sense.
This is what I thought the 3rd season was going to be like. I think that if
they had been brave enough to go this route the show would still be on. This
is TV after all, not the real world and that TV world can come crashing down,
and that would be interesting viewing. I had only one very small problem: if
part of Lotts' tongue is missing how did he speak so clearly? Trauma to the
tongue generally results in massive swelling and even if it didn't speech is
dependent on the tongue to produce most sounds. But this is a very small
quibble, all in all great story line, really clear story telling. Please
write more!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Sincerely, Cynthia
(Red Kettle : The problem with poor Mr Lott's tongue is now sorted out. (;)
From: spinale
Subject: Re: Why do an Alternative Season 3 ?
Dear Red Kettle: I enjoyed reading the third installment (Teotwaki2) of your
Alternative Season 3 and appreciate the work that went into writing it. Thanks
for sharing it with the newsgroup.
From: Jeanannd@aol.com
Subject: Visited your alternative season 3
Visited your alternative season 2 web page, wonderful work. Glad you
decided to share it with more people.
From: J2rider
Subject: Re: Millennium Alternative Season 3
Keep up the great work!
From: Eric
I think you are trying a little too hard. It is ambitious, but you seem to
attempting to tie up too many plot threads at once and include every
interesting character from the two previous seasons in this one episode.
The premeire should be pivotal and strong, but it shouldn't try to answer
too many questions at once.
Also, just from a mytharc perspective, I think having Samael intervene is
a bad idea. He makes it very clear in PPTD that he isn't intervening on
Frank's behalf and that nothing was done to save him or his family. It
also cheapens Frank's decision to save Catherine, particularly through
divine intervention. Millennium has never offered these sorts of dei ex
machina before and I think it is a mistake to introduce them now. The show
has always been strong about consequences, where other shows use devices
like this to make sure that nothing really changes in the world and to
soften the blow of stuff. Millennium has never been soft. Unless you want
to rewrite the end of the second season, I think Catherine has to die.
What I did like was the flashback to Frank's parents and the sighting of
an angel at his conception. Having him see her was a little much, though.
I have never liked really blatant supernaturalism in the show. The extent
of it in 'The Curse of Frank Black' was about as much as I like. It is
more menacing to have it hinted at, suggested, and never certain.
(Note, these are just my opinions. Other people's mileage may vary.)
Good effort, though. I'm glad someone still has the interest to try and
work with the premise and keep the story going. Myself, I'm going to be
running a role-playing game based on the show.
From: HWL
Subject: Re: Alternative Season 3
I took a look at "The Innocents2". I'll give you credit for being more
faithful to the ending of S2 than Chip & Co. It is certainly better than
the one script for VS4 that I have read.
I don't like the uses to which Samael is put, however. Based upon PPTD
(and "Borrowed Time", if we are to pay attention to S3), Samael and the
power he represents have no personal interest in Frank, and it is,
therefore, not consistent to use him in this way. Frank seems to be in
the neighborhood of, or an innocent bystander to, Samael's operations,
rather than the object of them. Events occur, and, because Frank has a
gift, Frank is aware of the agent of those events, but those events are
not done for, or in hindrance of, Frank's happiness and welfare.
Also, I really don't like the way that Lucy/Legion and the Old Man are
worked into the story. The Old Man is dead, and he ought to be kept out
of the way. Lucy always works by indirect means to get what she wants.
Her actions here are a bit crude. Since Pepper was merely a dead man
possessed by Legion, it seems a bit odd to have him in a meeting with
other manifestations of Legion. Legion expresses one personality at a
time. Crocell was a damned soul, raised out of Hell to present Frank with
an example, and I don't really think that he should be in the clearing,
either, absent Frank. It isn't as if Crocell were a devil himself.
From: "Michael Gentry"
Subject: opening quote in Innocents 2
..It's "Two roads diverged in a YELLOW wood."
(Red Kettle : thanks, this is now corrected)
From: Frank Falzon
Subject: season 3 - the way it should have been...
Like you, I was utterly shocked at how pitifully inferior Season 3 was
to the beauty, subtlety and intelligence of Millenium Season 2. For
reasons I have yet to fully understand, that season of that show
resonated with me like nothing I had ever seen on television.
I have read rumours about what might have accounted for the radical and
nonsensical changes committed in Season 3. I'm not sure whether this
was the product of the stupidity of FOX TV execs (responsible for other
brillant programming like "when animals attack), Chris Carter's loss of
vision, the simple departure of WOng and Morgan or the fact that fan
base was simply to shallow for a show of this calibre. If you have the
scoop on any of this, I'd love to know.
In a strange way, reading your work allowed me to put some closure to
all of this. The work is first rate, and possesses the resonance and
integrity of Season 2. Excellent work. Thank you.
From: "Joseph Reyna" <jreyna@home.com>
Subject: Re: BRAVO!
With this new installment, you have taken a great stride, establishing an
historical continuity to the Millennium saga that previously-written
episodes touched upon, but did not develop nearly as completely as this
Well crafted, the characters and their associations were well presented.
The plot definitely quickens the pulse, and held my interest quite fast
throughout the read. If only I could have read this during an
atmospherically cold and foggy autumn evening!
While reading this episode, I found myself hoping that "Mary" would not be
whom she is alleged to be, as it touches upon an area of apochrypha that is
controversial to say the least. However, I have also learned that in these
most interesting tales, as in life, nothing is always as it seems to be, and
so now do I find myself with that sense upon this character. It will be
interesting to see is this is borne out.
Once again, ..... BRAVO!
From: JLeo1999@aol.com
Subject: Re: alt.season 3
Dear redkettle:
Sorry to take so long to reply. Events have conspired...etc. Anyway.
I LOVED IT. I also have an affinity for the time period and am also an Anglophile.
You were able to capture British syntax as it differs along class lines beautifully.
The historical references were great without being too heavy handed and stilted.
Very good understanding of The Group and the Family. It is a wonderful
idea to expand the Millennium Story to its past. This frees it from the
limitations of the Show, which was flawed by the "smallness" of the TV Mind.
As I have said before:
Please write more.
From: <enf>
Subject: Re: Alternative Season 3
Hi Red Kettle,
I've not had time to read much online fiction lately, but did
take a look at the first few sections of your "Fin De Siecle".
It sounded familiar to me, perhaps because I know of a song by the
same name by a gothic band. Although I've not read enough to know
the story, it was obvious you spent a lot of time researching the
era. If this is writing you enjoy, you might want to try your hand
at historical fiction, and get something published professionally.
From: NovusSibyl
Subject: re: Fin de Siecle
Hi there. I saw your link to Fin de Siecle on the VS4 message boards and
figured I'd give it a look. I'm glad I did! It's an excellent story. I loved
the historical setting and the use of the Family. Great material for an
entire series of stories, IMO. The MG was obviously busy during the turn of
the century - the theme of them trying to hold back the horrors to come was
well depicted and, since we know the outcome, tragic. Not even the MG can
stop an assassin's bullet or make sure a certain Austrian corporal dies in
the trenches, it seems.
Also, I was thrilled that you didn't resort to the cliche of having the
historic hero being the ancestor of the contemporary hero (Right up to the
last page I was worried that Abermarle would turn out to be Frank Black's
grandfather or something equally inane).
One minor question - 1) you have the Thule Society as the antagonists, which
I liked, but were they active in 1899? I had the impression they were formed
in the 1910s. Aside from that, I have no complaints. Excellent work! Write a
Hilary Anderson
Subject: Fin de Siecle
I just wanted to congratulate you on a job well done!
I have read all of the episodes of both VS4 and your
Alt Season 3, and this episode is my favorite so far.
I'm afraid I don't know very much about the historical
period that it is set in, but now I am inspired to
research a bit and then read the episode again.
I have never been so impressed with fiction on the web
that I have been compelled to write to the author, but
I felt it was warranted in this case. I am looking
forward to reading more from you in the future. Are
you planning on writing more historical pieces? You
seem to have a flair for it. Keep up the good work!
From: Matt
Subject: Re: AltS3
I haven't read any of the AltS3 (I've been too busy) but I know
you're putting a lot of working into the project and I liked
the idea of Fin de Siecle. Perhaps I'll read it one of these days...
From: Jeanannd@aol.com
Re: Millennium Alternative Season 3
To: redkettle@my-deja.com
Very good, I like the story delving into the history...tying the Millennium
group and the family together and showing how the alliance between
them ended.
Hoping to see your work in published (and money making) form one day
From: Elizabeth
What a great idea! My husband and I were also very disappointed
with the regular season 3. I wish someone would buy your alternate series
and produce them for TV. They make a lot more sense and I don't go to bed
with a headache trying to understand what the heck the writers were trying
to say!!!! Thanks a lot!!!
From: Stacey
I am glad to see that there are many fans of this wonderful
show. As you may have noticed, almost all of the new fall shows are geared
to teenagers (Damn Dawson and his creek!!) and a show like Millennium is
truly the thinking- persons show. Although I was alittle disapointed at
the turn it took from the season before, it still proved to be
stimulating, and quite good. If Fox canceled poor Frank Black, I hope that
the Devil himself will come to terrorize all network exectutives...... The
time is near, Stacey
From: Cynthia
Comments: Hi again, I just printed out Teotwawki2, and it looks so far as
good as the 1st two .But as it is formated in a telescript stlye it
printed out at 64 pages. Is it possible to change the format? Or is the
best way for you. Anyway, I am looking forwar to some great reading
tonight. Thanks. Sincerely, Cynthia
PS,have you written anything else?
From: "Murielle Sey" <MLSey@calcna.ab.ca>
I just started the First three-part season opener and I've got to tell
you I was actually tingling as I read. It is soooooo much better than the
eps that were aired!
Keep 'em coming Kettle, keep 'em coming!
(Huge Smile)
From: "Murielle Sey"
I'm not going to spoil this for those of you who *haven't* read Virtual
Season Three . . . What are you waiting for! . . . But Kettle! Great! I
loved it!
I gotta tell you I had tears in my eyes when I finished the last of the
three parter. Finally a third season worthy of the series.
Ok. I'm going to watch the end of The Practice and then I'm going to
read them again!
From : Angel C. Little
Subject : The Alternative Season 3
> The episode TEOTWAWKI2 will complete the trilogy soon.
EXCELLENT!!!!! I can't wait to read the final part. :-) How can one write an
episode for you? Let me know.
From : Susan K
Subject : The Alternative Season 3
BTW, you have my vote for the most intelligent and entertaining "virtual
season" episodes. I would like to give you a more comprehensive review
when more time becomes available.