Statistics: Name: Jennifer Vorkosigan SIN: 115-23-771NKP Street Name: Kitten Age: 17 Race: Elf (Homo sapiens nobilis) Sex: Female Height: 1.64 Meters (5'3") Weight: 51.7 Kilograms (114 Pounds) Hair Color: Dark Blond Eye Color: Brown Description (formal) Kitten enters the room wearing a formal business suit which includes a tapered skirt, cross-over button down blouse, black stockings, black 3 inch heals and fingerless leather gloves. Her dark hair is pulled back into a french braid, cleverly concealing her elven ears, and her sunglasses rest in her right breast pocket. Description (informal) Kitten stands just under 2 meters tall, she has medium length blonde hair, which is immaculatly combed and her brown eyes could melt the strongest negotiator. She wears a black armored, denim jacket, a brown shirt buttoned only with the bottom 3 buttons. Each of her hands have a tatoo on their backs, and each finger has a silver ring of differing designs. Around her neck is a CSA Dog Tag, although she looks to be too young to have ever been in the CSA. Hanging on her grey pistol belt is obviously a pistol, two ammo pouches and a unique looking helmet. She wears a set of sunglasses which she promptly removes as she smiles at the group. Kitten stands about a meter and a half tall with medium length brownish-blond hair. Her brown eyes seem to reflect the light in the room like highly polished gemstones. Wearing black denim jeans and jacket with leather frills on the back and her black snakeskin cowgirl boots, she looks anything but the business woman she is. Tucked under her harm is a gloss black helmet with blackened face shield. The back of her jacket has the words embroidered on it in gold thread: "Smith and Wessen, the ORIGINAL point and click interface." The back of her hands have temperary tattoos and around her neck are a set of dogtags. Kitten is wearing a bright pink sweatshirt with a picture of two grey tabbi cats on the front. Her hair is up in a pony tail and has a pink ribbon in it and she has on pink lipstick. She wears SUPER tight black jeans and dark brown leather hiking boots. She has on about 8 rings and 12 earings. Attributes Body: 7(10) Quickness: 9(10) Strength: 4(5) Charisma: 12(16) Intelligence: 5(5) Willpower: 5(5) Reaction: 7(10) Initiative: 7+1D6 (10+3D6) Essence: 6 (2.75) Skills Firearms: 7 *Pistols: 9 **Predetor II: 11 **Manhunter: 11 Etiquette: 3 *Corperate: 5 *Street: 5 Athletics: 6 Bike: 3 Car: 4 Negotiations: 4 Stealth: 5 Gunnery: 6 Armed Combat: 5 Demolitions: 5 Equipment Acquisition: (Default to Charisma) Evaluate: 3 Laundering: 5 Private Enterprise: 5 Rotory Wing Aircraft: 6 *Russian Chip: 4 *German Chip: 4 *Spanish Chip: 4 *Biotech Chip: 4 *Polish Chip: 4 *French Chip: 4 *Elven Chip: 8 Cyberware Essence Cost Effects Titanium Bone Lacing: 2.25 +2 Body +1 Impact +1 Ballistic Smartgun Link: 0.5 Improves weapon accuracy. Imp. Retractable Hand Razors: 0.3 (Str)L damage (On feet as well) Chipjack: 0.2 6 Slots *Russian Language Skill 4 *German Language Skill 4 *Spanish Language Skill 4 *Biotech Skill 4 *Polish Language Skill 4 *French Language Skill 4 *Elven Language Skill 8 Bioware Body Cost Effects Symbiotics Level 3: 1.0 50% healing time Orthoskin Level 3: 1.5 +2 Impact +1 Ballistic Cult. Tail. Phere. Lvl 2: 0.6 +4 Charisma Suprathyriod: 1.4 +1 Body, +1 Quick, +1 Str, +1 Reaction Synaptic Accelerator Lvl 1: 0.3 +1D6 to Initiative Enhanced Articulation: 0.6 +1 Reaction Weapons Type Conceal Mode Ammo Damage Weight Extra Clips Predetor II (40) Heavy 4 SA 15 (c) 9M 2.5 15 Clips M22A2 (100) Assault 3 SA/BF/FA 40 (c) 8M 4.75 3 Clips FN Mag-5 (12) Med MG NA FA 100 Blt 9S 9.5 2 Belts M-107 Hvy MG NA FA 100 Blt 10S 12.5 4 Belts AFR-7 Flash Grenade Grenade 6 -- 1 5L .25 40 Grenades Frag Grenades Grenade 6 -- 1 10D .25 40 Grenades Offensive Grenade Grenade 6 -- 1 10S .25 40 Grenades Survival Knife (10) Knife 6 -- - Str+2L .75 --- Missile Launcher (5) *SAMs Missile NA 4 Int 1 13D 1.5 10 *TOWs Missile NA 2 Int 1 10D 1.5 10 *HEAPs Missile NA -- 1 11D/6S 1.5 10 *HEATs Missile NA -- 1 13D 1.5 10 Stealth Grapple Line NA NA -- 300M -- 9.0 --- Grapple Gun NA 7 SA - -- 2.25 --- Compound Bow Bow 4 SA 12 Str+4M 1.5 12 Arrows Self Defender Joke 8 SS 4 (c) 4L 0.5 2 Clips (Nickle Plated with Golden Decorations) Beratta 200ST (3) Light 4 SA/BF 26 (c) 6L 2 3 Clips Manhunter (10) Heavy 5 SA 16 (c) 9M 2 7 Clips (Cobold-Blue Steel Plated, with bone handles and gold trim.) Vindicator Minigun (3) LMG NA FA 1000(b) 7S 15 5 Belts MA 2100 Sniper Rifle Sniper NA SA 8 (m) 14S 4.5 35 Magazines (Smartgun, Range-finder, thermal scope, lvl 3 gasvents, flash sup, shock absorb) Musket Pistols (6) Dagger (2) Rapier 2 Colt Manhunters(9M), smartlink II w/silencers, custom grips & 6 clips 2 Savaltette Guardians(9M), smartlink II w/silencers, custom grips, 1 point recoil system & 6 clips 3 Franchi Spas-22's(10S), kept under rear bench seat of car 1 Barret Model 121 Heavy Sniper Rifle(14D), smartlink II, silenced, 2 points recoil, w/custom grips and 2 clips of custom ammo(APDS) kept under rear bench seat of car 6 Kilos plastic explosive compound XII 6 Radio and Timer Detonators Black(real leather) Armored Jacket, 5 ballistic/3 impact 200 meters of Grapple Line Pocket Secretarty Flashpak 3 Stun Grenades 9s(stun) Survival Knife (STR + 2)L Dikote Katanna (STR + 3)S Satchel to hold extra gear Comm. Unit (earplug unit) Black T-shirt, black Kevlar lined fatigue pants, and black combat boots 500 rounds APDS ammo for Manhunters and Guardians C-XII (10 pounds) *remote detonators *timer detonators Gear Effects Armani Suit (black) None Ball Gown (red) None Ball Gown (blue) None Riding Boots None Bandolier Holds clips of ammo (12) Crystal Ball Experience pure happiness once Mitsubishi Nightsky Rolls Royce Replica from 1955. BMW Blitzen 2050 Motorcycle Pocket Knife Small Toolset Biker's Helmet Conceals mouth, nose, ears, top and back of head (Impact +1) With Sound Dampener Helps to retain oratory response after loud noise Whitelaw Electric Shades Changes tint on command With Flash Supressor Helps to retain vision after a bright flash Business Suit (Grey) None Formed Body Armor lvl 3 Ballistic 4 Impact 1 Leather Armored Jacket Ballistic 6 Impact 3 Platinum Tiara Estimated Value 2400 NuYen Platinum Diamond Necklase Estimated Value 7200 NuYen *Kevlar Security Helmet Ballistic 1 Impact 2 (7,650 NuYen) Black Combat Fatigues. None *Formed helmet complete with black one way see-through face mask. HUD (located on face mask) includes X10, X100, X1000 magnification which can be used in conjunction with Thermographic or Ultra Sound enhancements. Comes complete with Flare-Comp, gas-filtration system (optional 2 hour oxygen tank, extra 4 pounds) and sound dampners. This wonderful helmet is wrapped up by a small short-distance communications package. Vehicals Handling Speed B/A Signature AutoPilot **Rolls Royce (Mock) 4/8 50/100 5/4 3 4 BMW Blitzen 2050(Blue) 3/4 95/285 3/2 1 2 Eurocar Westwind(Black) 3/8 70/210 2/1 2 3 Honda Viking(Black) 3/5 50/150 4/1 1 2 **Col. Craft(Black/Gold)4/5 (8) 25/75 (35/105) 2/1 3 (1) 2 ***Hughes Stallion(Blk 5 175/250 4/3 4 3 *Based on the Mitsubishi Nightsky cost. It is white with silver detailing, polorized windows, 42 speaker surround-sound with digital remastering and mixing equipment, Vid and mini-bar. ** Stats in parentheses are used when hydrofoils are in the down and engaged position. ***This black with gold trim helo is in standard cargo configuration with 6 folding bench seats. It is rigged with a rigger jack as well as manual controls. History Being born in Mobile, Alabama wasn't all the vid's said it was. You didn't get to wake up to church bells serenading you, nor did you get to where those pretty pastel colored dresses. Instead, when you did awake, it was hot and muggy. Granted if you lived there your whole life, you began not to notice it as much as say a tourist would. Jennifer was born in a large manor. Her family was quite wealthy, in fact, Jennifer received a 2000 credit allowance every month. There were many servants, including Charles, the troll butler they had working around the house. They had a large car, they had many servants, and they had over 15 acres of wonderfully fertile meadow. So why is it that Jennifer turned to the streets and a life of crime? It all started when she was 12. You see, in the land of the rich and influential, being anything but pure human just isn't tolerated. At the time, she was still a pure human, and a team leader in the CAS Scouts (a paramilitary organization of men and women who perform tasks silimar to those of the old boy and girl scouts.) She was living a normal life, well as normal as a person can lead when their parents are filthy rich. Jen was being groomed to take over the family textile industry when her father died, and she was being taught how to handle money. Unfortunatly, around her 13th birthday she 'changed.' She knew what was happening, although she acted the typical role of a 'southern belle,' she wasn't as niave as one. When her ears began to come to a point, and she woke every morning to more and more pain, she knew she was polymorphing into one of the 'lesser' races. Being an elf wouldnt have been too bad, since you can conceal your race with a bit of make-up and some strategic clothing. Too bad for her, her parents noticed the amount of pain medicines she was going through. Thinking something was wrong, they took her to see a physician. That was the end. When her parents found out what was happening, they wouldn't even let her back to the house, let alone speak to her. Jennifer quickly took her life savings, approximatly 950,000 nuyen, and moved to the fabled Seattle, where race didn't matter as much. Upon reaching Seattle, she went straight to the large corporations, and applied for a job. Now, it is well known that if you arn't born into the corporation it is very difficult to get a job with one, let alone a good job, but it isnt impossible. This is what Jennifer was counting on. Through many interviews, all with different people of course, she was finally hired by a small firm which was owned by Lone Star Security. This firm offered chaffuers, escorts and normal body guards. All were trained in the arts of security, all taught to take a bullet for their client. Jennifer became a driver for a rich young executive who worked for Aztechnology. It was a good job, not to hard, but very boring. Jen didn't mind it, she got to over hear conversations between her client and his associates. Sometimes she would discuss these topics with the executive before or after the meetings, to help him brainstorm. Soon, the pretty young driver, became a regular part of the conversation when she wasn't playing the dull witted driver role. When she turned 16 her client was promoted to Vice President of 'special acquisitions.' He never told her what that meant exactly, and she never asked. Before long, she found herself in command of 4 troll guards and a human. It was a nice small team, and it meant that she could take a break at times. It was beginning to be a good life. As was her want, she would head down to the 'Gullet and Mead Tavern' to relax and have a stiff drink. She normally ran into a few acquantices down there, some street trash hung out in front of the bar hoping to get enough cash to purchase a drink. She knew them all by name, they werent bad, if you got to know them and their cause. You see they were rebelling against the system, of course this meant they usually didnt get to eat. But that day was not the streeters, it was Samantha Jamerson, a local field reporter. They got to talking, and soon they found their way to the subject of crime, and 'shadowrunning.' It seemed to be a big problem in the city. Even her bosses at Lone Star had mentioned it to her, albeit they were more interested in her stopping the crime, not joining it. Of course, Jen didn't want anything to do with running. She had her hands full with her corporation job. What she didn't know was that her job would soon be over. It all happened so suddenly, first she was running a routine escort to the office for her client, the next grenades were exploding all around her limo. Of course the body armor on the limo handled it with no problem at all, in fact, she thought in retrospect that they probably not even shelling them with real grenades, but 'party poppers.' Her boss, loosing his head, started shouting orders at her, and she began to loose it. Whipping around corners, and nearly crashing a few times, Jennifer tried to dodge grenades, incomming traffic, call lone star for support, and keep her boss down. The grenades were herding her down a narrow pass, she knew better then to go down such a restricted space, but her wits had left her back when her boss lost his. Barrelling down the street at 195mph, she knocked trash cans and children out of the way with the bumper of her car without even scratching the paint on it. Then it happened, 'tank killer' mines were laid out in the front of the car. They were set to kill the passengers, not the driver fortunatly. Jennifer awoke to the sound of incomming choppers, Lone Star, the smell of burning rubber, and the sight of her boss's body parts strewn across the walls and floor of the allyway. Lone Star didn't take it well, especially when the news reported that it was Lone Star Security who was driving the now dead Aztechnology VP. Both Lone Star, and Aztechnology said they knew that she did her best, and that she made the right decisions, but she was still fired. Being fired in Seattle was akin to a death sentance. No one would hirer you if you were fired, not even the local fast food restaraunt. So it was that month, after Jennifer blew the last of her savings on fixing her car, and getting some offensive weaponry to defend her home with, that she crawled back to her friend's house, Samantha Jones, and asked her to set her up in the running industry. Before Jennifer knew it, she was being introduced to runners, fixers, doctors who could keep secrets, suppliers, fencers, and other such ilk. On her first run, she got the name Kitten. It described her appearance with the pointed ears, and cute face, and it also described her luck and skill. She had a knack for surviving the most impossible situations and comming out on her feet when the rest of the team came out on stretchers. She also seemed to be adept at slipping into a place unnoticed, even though there might be posted guards. And now you know the rest of the story. Total Karma: 112 Karma: 39 Karma Pool: 11.2 Cash: 12,735,490 ¥ Combat Pool: 10 Contact List Contact: Relation: Sex: Race: Occupation: Samantha Jamerson Personal Friend Female Human Fixer/Fence/News Reporter Crunch Aquatance Male Troll Gang Member/Squatter Cudgel Aquatance Male Troll Gang Member/Squatter Toothe Aquatance Male Troll Gang Member/Squatter Dr. Black Chum Male Human Street Doctor Joe Chum Male Human? Bar-Keep/Informant MSG Eifferts Buddy Male Human Soldier, CAS Ghost Runner Female Dwarf Decker Slyder Runner Male Ork Merc/Street Samari Mr Jenkins Ex-Boss Male Human Fixer/Body Guard Viper Neighbor Female Elf Fence/Drug Dealer Dr. Death Associate Female Human Street Doctor Officer Marsch Associate Female Human Lone Star Security Officer McHale Associate Male Human Lone Star Security SFC Michaels Associate Male Human Supply Sergeant, CAS CPT Young Associate Male Human Battalion Supply Officer, CAS Marv Associate Male Elf Decker/Launderer Joe-Young Associate Male Dwarf Pawn Shop Owner/Fence Mrs Kim Associate Female Human Corperate Informant-Ares Mr Taki Associate Male Human Corperate Informant-Aztechnology Seti Associate Female Elf Military/Bioware/Cyberware Supply *CourtJester Friend Male Human Runner-Mercenary *Shimmers Running-mate Female Human? Runner-Mage *Silver (deceased) Close Friend Male Elf Runner-Street Samari *Cerebrus Running-mate Male Elf Runner-Mercenary? *Drails Running-mate Male Elf? Runner-Mage *Ismall Running-mate Female Elf? Runner-Mage *Darius Running-mate Male Human Runner-Mage *Shadow Runner/Partner Female Human Runner-Mercenary *Madoc Running-mate Male *Johnny Running-mate Male *Venus Running-mate Female *Tempest Running-mate Male