Last Updated: October 14, 2001... Best viewed in IE @ 600x800
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Anyways, here we go:

"Her name was Lola... she was a showgirl... with yellow feathers in her hair and her dress cut down there..." oops, sorry, Barry Manilow moment there ;) Ahem...:

All news articles we have gathered are being used without permission of the author's. Or the companies they work for. However, we are making no money off of displaying them here and we just posted them for the reading fun of Jiri/Red Wings fans. One little amendment to this is that Matthew Wuest let us use an article of his from the Winged! You're the mac, Matt!

Second of all, Jiri has nothing to do with this page except the fact that it's in honor of him. We don't know him, he doesn't know us. He lives in Michigan, we live in Ohio- not exactly next door neighbors, are we? And once more, we aren't making any money off of displaying images of him, Red Wings, sports cards, etc... To put it bluntly, this page is NOT A MONEY MACHINE! It costs nothing to put up, nothing to maintain, and therefore we make no money! Some people do slave away at the computer just to provide free entertainment for others you know!! :)

We've provided links to every page we've gathered info, pics, etc from to ensure that proper credit goes to them.

If anyone has problems with anything displayed on here (as in, they own it and don't want it on here or want credit) we'll fix what's wrong ASAP.

Ah, yes. And last but not least, our nifty little background of Abe Lincoln- we got that from Free Press. It's a wall paper they had there for when the Wings won the cup in 97-98. I thought it nifty and definitely easier on the eyes without being tiled in the background and with the neutrality of the colors:) Oh, yeah- and our little background of the RedWing wheel came from them too- I'm such a moocher!

And one more itty bitty thing- the Red Wing's most likely do not know this page exists and to make sure we don't get sued, we don't own the image of the winged wheel (though I'm sure it's worth bunches- snoogans).