Saturday, June 3, 2000

Sorry about the two updates last month- I really shoulda done more but I've taken on two jobs recently (The library and DQ- I'm such a responsible 16 yr. old, aren't I?) and I've been having some problems with my mother. And as luck would have it, the computer is at her house:( Anyways, I'm adding some more surveys cause some really cool people filled them out- hey, flip through the surveys sometime- you may find a new friend:)

You've noticed a new look around here if you're a regular and if you're not, I hope you like it anyway. I tried to dive headlong into Java but almost killed myself doing it! So, I just jumped back out and am just learning more advanced (for me anyway) HTML methods (such as the META tag that allowed me to have the first page automatically shift over. If you want to learn HTML or other programming languages, got to ProjectCool.

The "Jiri Speaking" section didn't disappear, it is now under "Sounds" and the rest of the conversation is up:) Enjoy the page and send us any articles, information, pictures and other Jiri things you may know or have:)

Previous Updates

March- I run amuck throwing the page together for it's first month!