The Credits


The Cast

Princess Maya - Herself
Lady Rowena - Herself
Enchantress Dawn - Herself
Seath the Warrior - Herself

Fritz - Himself
Orsino - Himself
Robert - Himself
Rayanne - Herself
John Fell - Himself
Tiko / The Racoon - Himself

Morwen - Herself
Morgana - Herself
Red Rose - Herself
Silver Rose - Herself
Yellow Rose - Herself

Echo - Herself
Jane Lane - Herself
Trent Catalano - Himself
The Green Deer - Himself

The Red Knight - Himself
The Prime Number Tree - Itself
Herman, the Invisible Dwarf - Himself

Estella - Herself
The Raven - Himself
Zelza - Herself
The Helpful Cornfield - Itself

Estella's Stunt Double - Kellie Powell
Red Knight's Stunt Double - Ithiophilis Franks
Herman, the Dwarf's Stunt Double - Ithiophilis Franks

The Crew

Writer - Princess Maya
Webmaster - Princess Maya
Payroll - Princess Maya

Props - Lady Rowena
Scenery - Jane Lane
Soundtrack - Trent Catalano
Costumes - Enchantress Dawn

Special Thanks To:

Ryan Donovan's Fall Newsletter
Julie Fisher - Creator of Seath
Winnie Holtzman, Creator of Rayanne

Daria and MTV Prodctions
Congruent Triangle Catering Services
Patricia C. Wrede - Creator of Morwen

Kala of Castle Shyla
Cydah of The Fuzzy Forrest
Enchantress Diana & The Land of Magic

All Residents, Creatures, and Vegetables
of the Kingdom of Linderwall

Some Graphics And/Or Characters From:

Be Kind, Rewind