Our Trip to Egypt: 2001

In January of 2001, my mother, her friend Gail, Ceej and myself went to Egypt for a week's guided tour. Though there were some less-than-amusing moments to be had (every vacation has them, one supposes) all in all it was a wonderful time, and something I'd be more than willing to do again -- especially now that I know what to avoid!

For a photographic record of where we went, what we did and some items of archaeological interest (mostly me running my mouth off), please click on the pyramid, below.

To get back to the main index for the site, click on the spinning skull

This is the Pyramid of Khafre at the plateau of Giza, near Cairo. It had rained earlier in the day, and dark stormclouds were zipping by at regular intervals. This is probably my favorite picture of the trip.

All Photographs were taken by Jim & Chris Tremlett, Kay Hoagland and Gail Winsmore. They are not to be used for commercial purposes -- if you do, we will track you down and feed you to wild, mummified weasels. For Goddess' sake, don't even think about it...

The Scarab Background is courtesy of Chaos Designs.