
The News

Restoration          Samples

 - Minor

 - Medium

 - Major

 - Colorization

 - Manipulation


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Order Form

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Guest Book



All restorations include a copy on photo quality paper the size of the original photo unless otherwise noted on the order form (up to 8.5 x 11, note: resolution of photo will be inversely related to the degree of enlargement.)  

Minor Restoration $29.99 Minor restoration involves repairing minor scratches, smudges, fingerprints, etc. from non- facial or non-body part areas.   
Medium Restoration $44.99 Medium restoration involves repairing more severe scratches, smudges, fingerprints, etc. on non- facial or non-body part areas, in addition to cracks or tears in the photo.
Major Restoration $59.99 Major restoration involves repairing scratches, smudges, fingerprints, etc. on facial and body part areas, severe cracks and tears, plus the correction of unevenly faded areas in the photo.    
Colorization $29.99 Does not include restoration of the photo.
Manipulation Quote Photo manipulation involves adding/removing people from pictures, or adding a new background.  Please email me at dderrigo@hotmail.com, or sign my guest book with a detailed description of the photo, and what you want to have done with it.
CD-ROM $2.99 Photos can be placed on CD-ROM for use on your computer.  I will use a CD-RW so that photos or other information may be added at a later time.
100MB Zip Disk $12.99 Photos can be placed on a 100MB zip disk for use with your zip drive.
Additional copies $2.99 Restoration prices include one copy of the photo of any size.  Additional copies of any size are available.

If you've got Questions or Comments, please contact me at dderrigo@hotmail.com or sign my guest book.