
TrooperX has allowed me to use his Medevial Weapons Pack. Thanks to TrooperX, he has now joined me in creating this project. He will be doing the necassary weapon 3dos for me, along with any other I need.



I have the Final Fantasy 3 soundtrack and have to admit that it adds 50% more to the game. The battles right now have no music, so they are dull, but as soon as you turn on the FF3 battle song, it gets really cool. If I could at the least implement Midi's I would, but we know that isn't possible. :( Sometime in the future, I'll have to fix that. For now I'll see what is the best track on the JK CD (though really, there isn't something super exciting on it).


4.18.99 Enemy control is primarily finished. I also implemented sound effects. Also, when an enemy is killed, I made him die much like in FF. However, when I have beta testing, I'll have the public decide whether they want them to just lie there or sorta die in this new way. Its good enough to play with (its actually a lot better than I thought). Since the current enemies don't have any special required AI (such as a BOSS would), the Enemy Control is good enough to be left alone for a while. My next goal is to work on the cameras. The hardest cameras to activate are the intro and ending cams because they move (this whole yaw, pch, roll deal is giving me a headache). A beta version may be around the cornor a lot sooner than you think! Any level editors with good architectural abilities, key, and 3do editors please contact me if you would like to help.



Working on Enemy Control. Thanks to RBF for all his help throughout this. Enemy system has been modified for it to work 50% better. I'm finishing a lot faster than I thought. I need a level editor (HINT to anyone reading). Later.



Welcome to RPG Battle Engine. Please note: I am in no way affiliated to Star Wars Rpg; they and I are totally different. This mod/tc (or whatever you want to call it) is an Rpg Battle Engine (much like FF7) which I designed for Jedi Knight (not MOTS, sorry). Its played with only 3 buttons, you never once guide your player manually, its all done by a Menu. * In the Screenshots, try to see if you can see the menu. Its in the second screenshot, but is hard to see. It is currently in its first alpha stage (with the current version being Alpha 0.1). I want to concentrate my energy to the Rpg battle engine itself, and would be happy to let any devoted editors to write up their own story line along with levels and so on for use with this. Right now, I am working on the Enemy AI Control. I have them under some type of control at the moment, but it is not satisfactory. However, the Enemy Ai right now works well enough for the Engine to actually work accordingly. The screenshots don't look like much because you have to see it in action, but perhaps they can give you a rough idea. If you want any information please contact me. I would also ask the assitance of a very good level editor (high architecture) to help make a mock up level for a demo. Again, I will probably not head a TC with a storyline.
