Welcome to the Persian Clan webpage, obviously you are interested in joining, or else youwoulden't be here. Well, below are the requirements for joining.
1) You must be able to play persian ina deathmatch, and play it well.
2) You also must have played on the zone for at least a month or two.
3) Should we declare war on a clan, that you are a member of, you must either leave the Persian clan, or leave the other clan.
That is pretty much it for now. Seeing as this is a new clan, we only have 2 members, I am looking forward to playing you.
CM_Persian_King General *****
Persian_Val General ****
If you are interested in joining, please e-mail the general, in order to tryout, you must download Chaos you will be player number 8, and valerie will be number 2, I wil be player 1, please do not alter it.
(c) 1999 DBaker8958@aol.com