| ----- September 7, 2006 ----- Another year, another novel. Copyright Information----- October 14, 2005 ----- Another year, another novel. I've been pimping NaNo at all my usual hang outs, such as the Mid-Manhattan library, my local library branches, and of course, Neutral Ground, aka gaming geek central. As well as work, the laundromat, the doctor's office... not that the last is a regular hang out, mind you, but hey, I did have a captive audience. This year is off to a bang up start - I have a plot! Hey, it's an improvement over NaNo 2004, about which the less said, the better. ----- March 4, 2004 ----- It's NaNoEdMo - the editing portion of our festivities! Check out my 2003 Story, including Chapters 1-3 and the updated Outline. |