Hey, it is me, Wolf with Two Feathers.

Scroll down to access my individual pages.

My campsite.

My search for my Scottish roots.

My award winning Halloween sight.

Examples of my artwork.

My recommeded reading list.

Be sure to visit my award winning waterfall page.

My Friends.

My Favorite Garden Links

My You Tube link.

This arrowhead will take you "where no man has gone before."

"Disclaimer" This web site is purely for the fun and entertainment of those that visit and is in no way used for personal gain or profit. Some of the images shown on this site are NOT my own original creations and some may have copyrights attached. Come on in, make yourself at home and look around. If you use any of the images that you find here, please DO NOT use them for profit or commercial use. If you are the artist of any of the images shown here, please contact me and I will be more than happy to remove the image or give credit to the artist. Some of the images shown on my site have been collected over a large period of time, NO images were taken from web sites displaying copyrights, and most of the images found here can be readily found on the internet.

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