A Brief History.

Our group has been playing since about February of 1996. The group started in and around the city of Haven/Parlainth. I joined the group in March of that same year. I am an Obsidiman Wizard who found the group in Haven. From this point, there were 4 players and two NPC's: A Human Troubador, an Elf Woodswoman, a Windling Windmaster, and a Human Wizard. The NPC's were an Elf Warrior, and a Thief. Not long after playing, the Human Wizard left the group. At some point in the gaming, we became known in Haven as "The Seekers". During the seeking for a certain artifact in Parlainth, we met Garlan in a dungeon locked up. She was creating a veil from her tears. She gave us the veil when she was done and we used it to free her and destroy the Horror that had imprizoned her. In the process of doing so, we lost a Troll Weaponmaster, and a Human Archer. We gained an Elf Warrior, and an Elvish Spiritual Monk. We then became known as "The Knights of The Weeping Veil".

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