Now that we have some information about the whens, wheres, and hows of this getagevah, I thought I'd collect them up and people that aren't on the front lines of the X-Girls' organization can see how they can be a part of this Gathering of wonderful X-Phile ladies.

Where: Los Angeles

When: ?? I'll get back to you on that one. Sometime in June, right?

Hotel: The LAX Embassy Suites. Here's Sandy's info on the place.

Every room is a two room suite, we will get the ones with the bedroom with 2 double beds. Plus all the sofas are sofa beds so each suite sleeps six. At $169 a night that comes to $30 a night per person. Which is cheap!!

New information shall be sent along as it's received. If you have any questions, or suggestions, e-mail me or Sandy.



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