An Excerpt from "Inside Jane's Brain"
"Isolated & Distorted"
I was born with bilateral advanced Amblyopia. I was never treated or even seen by a doctor until the age of 4 because, family kept making excuses for what was evident Strabismus, ("lazy eye" disorder). I remember hearing, "Oh, all babies eyes are crooked to a more or less degree and she'll grow out of it" and "It wasn't OUR genes!". But my safety radius was literally arms length. I even had trouble walking steadily and constantly banged into things and walls in an attempt to reach the door. After all, in my outback there were two to choose from. I was innately shy and this caused me to become more withdrawn from a world I couldn't see, but could feel staring at my crossed eyes, patches & "misfit" signature.
One little corner of my room is where I played detached for years, until I could "see" for myself that all the time spent alone inwardly one still observes and grows, learning to fight in a world of isolation. Then the real world kicks you in the face a few times and you're that much stronger for it. I can still feel the demons clawing at my face and screaming,… but I can't "hear" a word they're saying.
I recently took my son to my low vision specialist, an absolute God of my world, and I noticed a very old plaque on the wall of an office, which ironically belonged to my childhood vision therapist:
"If a child sees 'distorted'
He reproduces 'distorted'
And he therefore learns
~ G. N. Getman, O.D.
"A child reproduces what he sees and he learns what he reproduces."
~ D. B. Harmon, Ph.D.
How true. Whoever knew this would set the stage to become prime bait for Panic disorder, let alone a cutter.
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(Amblyopia is now 100% curable if dectected in infants and children before the age of 6. I wish this luxury was available in the 50's & 60's.)
"The grass is always greener, but the TRUTH is it's pretty ugly on the other side"