- Exert yourself physically somehow. I bought a bike and ride it like a maniac on my good days.
- Go to a place where you can scream by yourself. This is hard in my area with little privacy and people might think I'm crazy, so I go to the beach and scream my brains out while in my car with the windows up.
- Take Martial Arts classes. They teach discipline as well as give you a physical outlet.
- Draw lines on your body with a red marker signifying the blood.
- Make a cloth doll representing someone who has hurt you and displace your aggressions on it.
- Wear a "special" bracelet to remind yourself you have value and to deter the cutting.
- Write a bunch of swears on a piece of paper and tear it up.
- Write letters to those who have hurt you expressing your feelings, even if you do not send them - this is great therapy!
- Like "House of the Dead" by Sega? Shoot the shit out the Magician's "kneecap"! (You might even make the board!)
- Stay away from jerks and other people's emotional garbage.
- Humor Therapy!!
- Eat properly & get enough sleep.
- If you have kids, go hug them and tell them you love them.
- Self Injury (mirror-mirror)
- Understanding Self Injury
- Kharre's Home
- Secret Shame
- Cutters by Razor
- Ask the Expert - Self-Mutilation
- Self Injury Resources
- Workbook for People Who Self-Injure
- Self Help for Self Injury
- Internet Mental Health
- Parental Stress Line - Extremely supportive and highly skilled. These people have viable motives for becoming volunteers and all I've spoken to "have been there".
I STRONGLY recommend calling if you have children - you will not be disappointed!
(800) 632-8188, 24 Hours
- The Self Injurers UNION - Comrades, Web Ring Members and People who have SURVIVED the Nightmare of SI, Tremendous Pain and a variety of Psychiatric Disorders. We ALL Support Eachother!
- If all else has failed go meet my baby,"Joey"! ~ He'll make you laugh, guaranteed! Laughter is great therapy :D