Home of the Golden Bears



General Information about OGHS

     Oak Glen High School, located in the northern panhandle of West Virginia in Hancock County, was chosen in 1994 as one of the pilot schools in the WV Department of Education / Bell AtlanticWorld School initiative, which provides OGHS students with high speed access to the Internet. On May 7, 1996, Oak Glen High School was named a 1995-96 West Virginia School of Excellence.

         Changes over the last five years at Oak Glen High School have been dramatic. In 1992 Oak Glen changed from a three-year high school to a four-year high school and with this change absorbed over two hundred freshmen and ten new faculty members. This valuable change has enabled OGHS to have greater articulation over the entire high school educational programs of the students.

     Also, after much study of curriculum and school organization and analyzing the results, Oak Glen adopted the 4/4 Block structure beginning in the 1994-95 school year. During the last two years Oak Glen has become a demonstration site for other educators. Hundreds of teachers from other school districts have visited Oak Glen; Oak Glen faculty members have trained teachers in other school districts which are moving to block scheduling with its accompanying changes in teaching strategies. This activity has provided outstanding recognition for our faculty members and has made them better teachers. We believe that those who teach others teach themselves. Efficacy among teachers is evident and school climate is better than ever at Oak Glen. Teachers and students perceive that Oak Glen is a tremendous place to work and learn.

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This information was gathered from the original OGHS site online.