Here is my sound clip collection. I'm still expanding it.The statue of liberty clip takes awhile but is worth it if you have a relatively good modem.The other clips are also rather good.Some
of these clips are in quicktime,so they may not work on Windows
based computers.
The soundclips
Statue of Liberty clip
A planet where apes evol.
Get your paws off me you.
Fight like Apes.
Earth Explodes.
"We think we have all the time in the world..."
"From here time bends.."
Opening remarks in the movie
"There must be something better than man.."
"Does man still make war on his neighbor.."
"Beware the beast man"
"This is my final report until touchdown"
"'Where are you going?'Into the forbidden zone.'"
Homer Simpson expressing his worries about being sent to the Planet of the Apes
Taylor musing on life in spaceship
Micellanous Stuff
Mission Impossible Theme
Some guy dancing
© 1997