A Whisper in Your Heart - 06/15/00 22:34:04
Magic User?: Perhaps
Favorite Element: Air
Friend or Foe: either
-a breeze brushes by Riptides cheek, it could be a kiss, it could be nothing more than a breeze...if he believes...it touches his lips...and lingers a moment..then fades..the scent of wild orchids would assault him...as the breeze blows away....
Moonsong - 02/23/00 04:02:40
Magic User?: obviously not when it involves html...
Ok, lets try that again... Talon, you can take the previous entry out if you so desire.
This moment is timeless.
Spin and spin and spin
And laugh -
The waves catch you by the ankles
At the water's edge.
Throw out your arms!
Embrace wind and sky
And stars.
Their silver laughter makes whole your heart
And lifts you up to their light.
How easy to join the dance,
To be one with Earth
And Heaven.
Tread lightly the measure of your life
And dance with joy.
Moonsong - 02/23/00 03:48:56
My URL:/paris/pavilion/1446
Magic User?: Only recreationally
Favorite Element: spirit
This moment is timeless.
Spin and spin and spin
And laugh -
The waves catch you by the ankles
At the water's edge.
Throw out your arms!
Embrace wind and sky
And stars.
Their silver laughter makes whole your heart
And lifts you up in their light.
How easy to join the dance,
To be one with Earth
And Heaven.
Tread lightly the measure of your life
And dance with joy.
Anna Marie - 02/15/00 03:54:01
She was swept into your world
and she left a fingerprint on your heart
And now it's good-bye I suppose
It's over she glanced back with a gentle sigh
but it was to late
you wanted happily ever after
but will you now be happy?
The breeze blows away sadly
a heart that is aching
Happily ever after it shall be.....
Nissa - 01/30/00 00:54:21
My URL:http://www.bright.net/~poet
Race: Human
Magic User?: Aye
Favorite Element: :wiggles eyebrows: whatever the flavor of the day is
Friend or Foe: Aye :snickers:
Did you enjoy your stay?: Perhaps let me think on it
:A missive arrives for Talon from Nissa:
I fear that I've not been able to visit as death and darkness lurk around each shadow here. Times have been hard and Moonlit is under seige, one twin has been found and is safely within the gates. The other roams in another realm. She was so close....and
he was again taken.
I've also lost twins. Riptides. a miscarriage so my state of mind is not the best. my heart aching and my soul feeling shattered by all that is surrounding us. The curse is now tenfold. I have more to protect than just my twins. I only hope time will heal
this. that the curse will cease in time. Be well m'love.
Lori D. - 01/24/00 06:00:18
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/area51/corridor/5643/
My Email:dryta_ld@yahoo.com
Race: Well, human, I suppose, unless my parents really are from outer space..
Magic User?: Oh, magic of my own kind.
Favorite Element: Earth. Which may contradict the parent theory..
Friend or Foe: All friendly here on this end!
Did you enjoy your stay?: But of course.
This may be the first time I've signed a guestbook without that old screenname Dryta. Well, not the first new thing to be happening these past few months, eh? I find myself with new groups of people, new ways of thinking and, ah, new attitude!
At the moment, it happens to be, oh.. near 11 p.m. So I'm just hanging around, thinking about how to finish up that three-page essay (conclusion paragraphs are somewhat dull) due tomorrow, talking to Neko-chan and, of course, signing this lovely book f black and bright green.
I'm also looking around my room, wondering how in one year I turned from a disorganized mess.. into a disorganized mess decorated in ethnic, asian and medieval. I think the more elaborate and defined my room gets in its decor, the more indiviualized I become. Geez, and I was hoping my mom's HGTV wouldn't effect me.
Yes, I'm talking alot. So what? Go sign my guestbook and take revenge if ya don't like it! ^_~ But naw, actually, I aught to get going. I am in an extreme mood to write, which is semi-bad, because it means I'll be up all night trying to satisfy the "artist urge." ...Shouldn't've said that, now I want to draw, too.
ummmmm, nice rug and *******(Ink spill)
Hidoshi Nobunaga - 11/05/99 06:59:47
My URL:http://the-shrine.tripod.com
My Email:hidoshi_nobunaga@hotmail.com
Race: Human/Demon
Magic User?: Umm Chi not Mana heh
Favorite Element: Again, Chi
Friend or Foe: Friend, hell Brother!
Did you enjoy your stay?: Very much so, I always come here!
Heh nice beetlejuice music Talon. True this is the first time I've signed but lately I've been in the guestbook signing mood. Anyhow, get in touch with me on ICQ (15500626) yeah it's my old number cuz my other one got klunked (heh) see ya around bro. *hug
him tightly*
General Salem Phox Arikan - 10/10/99 18:15:46
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/ca3/salemarikan
My Email:salem_arikan@mailcity.com
Race: Ellimyst
Magic User?: Aye
Favorite Element: Metal
Friend or Foe: Friend.. unless you cross me the wrong way
Did you enjoy your stay?: Aye, of course
Very lovely place to visit, I enjoy magickal and whimsical places, I don't get to enjoy them as much as I used to and I thank you for letting me stay...
Hello father. I liked your page very much and will return.
Kamui - 08/17/99 04:49:53
My Email:ilikecheese72@hotmail.com
Race: Youko
Magic User?: well, not really....I'm trying though.
Favorite Element: what ever is best at the time
Friend or Foe: friend....thats a word I haven't heard in a while....
Did you enjoy your stay?: yes
*Walks in looking around at the castle, walks up to the guestbook and see who signed it, after reading the past entries he starts writeing up his own message* Hello once again Talon, the place is looking well, there was something I was going to tell ou bu
I just forgot, oh well, maybe I'll catch you ICQ if I remember.
DarkMistress - 08/10/99 22:59:05
My URL:http://www.bright.net/~poet/FantasyPage/index.html
My Email:thedarkmistress@hotmail.com
Race: Human Mage
Magic User?: Durrrrr
Favorite Element: :shrugs:
Friend or Foe: your call
Did you enjoy your stay?: Perhaps
Long ago a fabled story was told
In the land of Fantasy, the days of olde.
Entering the realm, a lone woman named, "DarkMistress"
Left to live amongst the wars and distress.
Hi daddy! I know it's way way past my bedtime and I know mommy and nanna Tsunami told me to stay home, but I just had to come and visit you!And I need you to talk some sense in mommy! She doesn't want me to fight Inari for some silly reason. I love you da
dy! *hugs you tightly* Oh and Kayin keeps pulling on my ears and calling me a bunny...MAKE HIM STOP! I better go before mommy gets mad again. Bai bai!
Kamui - 07/11/99 04:15:26
My Email:ilikecheese72@homtail.com
Race: Youko
Magic User?: barely
Favorite Element: which ever is the best at the time.
Friend or Foe: yes.
Hello Talon...haven't seen you in a while....anyways I was wondering if you have seen mielikki lately, I have not been able to reach her on ICQ, of, and when geo$hities merged with Yahoo! I have not been able to find the chat rooms and if anyone knows whe
e they were moved to please e-mail me the address, thank you. *Walks off*
Nimoira - 07/04/99 04:17:46
My Email:Nimoira@hotmail.com
Race: Tar Valon
Magic User?: Novice of the Aes Sedai
Favorite Element: Earth
Friend or Foe: The Wheel weaves as the Wheel wills.
Did you enjoy your stay?: Yes
*Nimoira drifts through Tel'aran'Rhiod, the world of dreams, and wonders at the strangeness of the place.* A Kingdom of great might and greater secrets, she thinks to herself as she wanders through the palace. Perhaps when I am truly Aes Sedai, this kingd
m will make a powerful ally for Tar Valon...
Zéphýr-Xtérñål - 06/21/99 04:05:48
My URL:/Area51/Dunes/5211
My Email:Zhai_helleave@yahoo.com
Race: Valheru
Magic User?: Only when I need to be.. *shrugs*
Favorite Element: The Four Winds *sly grin*
Friend or Foe: Friend and family *smiles softly*
Did you enjoy your stay?: Aye, I usually do
*wanders through the Castle, looking around* Its been so long since I've been through here.. I hope all goes well for you, Talon, my cousin. *smiles softly* Please feel free to stop by my tower sometime.. I'm sure the
ew changes will please your senses. *hugs Talon tightly, softly kissing his cheek* Take care as always, my dear friend. *takes a few steps back from him and is surrounded by shadows and mist, vanising from view, leaving upon the ground a violet
petaled rose, with silver and blue swirls through it*
§ilvermyst - 06/17/99 16:41:14
Favorite Element: earth
Friend or Foe: Friend and family
Did you enjoy your stay?: Just passing through
-a young woman in her mid twenties appears outside of the castle grounds, near the moat. Beside her is a young boy, of a year old- Remember this place is always one of safty, my son.. Never forget.. This is where your father
lives. Now come, kit.. tis time to return to our ways. -she takes the child's hand and they both move into the woods, vanishing from sight-
Zack Magstrom - 06/13/99 18:05:19
Race: Highlander - Immortal
Magic User?: Nah... something different.
Favorite Element: Quickening
Friend or Foe: *smirks* Moonboy, why do ya ask this of me?
Did you enjoy your stay?: Not over yet, but yeah.
Hey there... well, White Dragon is as nice as it's always been. Glad to see it's still standing. Well, Cassie calls so I shall leave now. Take it easy, fren.
Mayonaka, Akari-child of the City of Mirrors... - 06/11/99 00:32:46
Race: Wouldn't you like to know....
Magic User?: *nods*
Favorite Element: Anything. I'm am Shamanist
Friend or Foe: .........
Did you enjoy your stay?: *nods*
*a young woman, wearing a grey trench coat, silver sleeveless shirt, long brown pants, and black boots, wanders quietly through the land; obviously searching for something. She searches everywhere within the realm, but doesn't find the Tiara of the Moon G
ddess. Her face expressionless except for the disappointment in her jade green eyes, she takes her leave just as quietly as she entered*
Nissa - 05/29/99 22:58:40
Uhm :points down: That was geos fault I'm so sorry forgive me??? :innocent look:
DarkMistress Nissandra Xternal - 05/29/99 22:47:36
My URL:if you don't know by now too bad
My Email:that too
Race: Human
Magic User?: uhm declines to answer
Favorite Element: that too
Friend or Foe: Family
Did you enjoy your stay?: Mayhap
:Gently Riptide hears Nissa singing in his mind:
So many wrongs, how do we heal?
So many things said, where they all real?
So many memories, I can't walk away...
Because I love you more each day....
Though the path gets rocky and long
We can find a way to fix what is wrong...
:Gently her voice drifts away and he feels her growing stronger
Dryta D'Ken - 05/27/99 22:58:16
My URL:http://members.tripod.com/~dryta_dken/
My Email:dryta@geocities.com
Race: Human, so on, so forth... blah blah blah....
Magic User?: Usually, lol
Favorite Element: Earth, spirit.. whatever
Friend or Foe: Friend..
Did you enjoy your stay?: Yep.
Hey... now you got another signature from me! Lucky, huh? ^_~ Yep. You know.. you don't ever have to worry about anyone coming between our friendship, cause having you as a friend has been great and means a lot to me. I mean that.. heh. ^_^ And tell m
if you got to record all those DBZ shows, eh? hehe..
Zephyr Xternal - 05/20/99 00:16:39
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Area51/Dunes/5211
My Email:Zhai_helleave@yahoo.com
Race: Valheru
Magic User?: well.. I wonder... *winks*
Favorite Element: ah.. the winds, yes? *chuckles softly*
Friend or Foe: Family
Did you enjoy your stay?: usually do *smiles gently*
*walks into the main entrance area of the castle, carrying a bulky item in her hands, she sets it down, positioning it just so and stands back to take a look*
*nods, satisfied with the arrangement, and walks out of the castle, smiling softly as she returns to her work at the tower*
left near the gift is a note:
Talon my dear friend, take care of yourself and your children, always enjoy life and those who share it with you. Know I do care, my cousin, for had I never met you, my life may have been for the worse. Thank you
With love,
Mistress of Shadowlight
Dryta D'Ken - 05/19/99 22:28:45
My URL:http://www.InternetJump.com/faeries
My Email:dryta@geocities.com
Race: Elorian human
Magic User?: Yes and no.
Favorite Element: Spirit or earth
Friend or Foe: Oh... friend.
Did you enjoy your stay?: Certainly.
Well, what can I say that hasn't been said before? Your page is finely done, and speaking of fine... Been up to anything lately, Jem? ^_~
I'll see you later, probably and hopefully. Keep the smile.
Angel of Mercy Draven - 05/12/99 22:59:06
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Area51/Realm/4637/
My Email:angel_of_evyl@hotmail.com
Race: Angel
Magic User?: Aye
Favorite Element: :shrugs:
Friend or Foe: Friend or I best be :snickers:
Did you enjoy your stay?: Always
:Walks in tripping over the carpet falling on my face:
Fer shits sake would ya fix that Talon??
:Clears throat then has a blank look forgetting what I was gonna say:
:Scratches head walking back out clipping my wing on the door mumbling under my breath as I go trying to remember what I was gonna say:
Sotana Fallen Angel of Mercy - 05/12/99 22:54:06
My Email:Sotana_FAOM@hotmail.com
Race: Angel
Magic User?: Aye
Favorite Element: Silver
Friend or Foe: :bows head: 'Tis up you you
Did you enjoy your stay?: Aye :whispers:
:A blast of silver light enscribes these words upon the scroll that rolls out before his Lord Talon Darklighter:
-walks through quitely, her steps not making a sound, curious amber eyes, glancing about never being bored of the structure of the castle- Such an interesting place, love, I am also relieved to see you recovering nicely from y
ur injuries -smiles- Sleep well, my dear brother -slips off out to the gardens, stopping to pick up the children she cares for-
Talon Darklighter - 05/08/99 17:15:07
My URL:This one.
My Email:Dragonkrystal@hotmail.com
Race: Stylaxian Elf
Magic User?: Yes
Favorite Element: Lunar
Friend or Foe: I am me.
Did you enjoy your stay?: Heh... made it, own it, love it.
Heh.... emptied again, testing to see if it works.