How Robotech & Protoculture started

500,000 years ago the genius Zor who lives far from Earth created an energy that was called Protoculture.This Protoculture allowed Zor to build weapons and ships of such destruction that when even only when a few millon spacecruisers were present, they could desolate an entire planet.Then Zor created a ship more powerful than his entire fleet.The SDF-1. But Zor had an enemy, the Invid.By Stealing Proculture the Invid grew stronger than Zor's people who now called themselves the Robotech Master's(Because Protoculture spawned Robotechnology).To protect his people Zor created a race of non-emotion giant's.The Zentraedi.Things went well for many years until the Zentraedi crew of the SDF-1 revolted and folded (went into hyperspace) away from Zor.The SDF-1 came out near Earth.At this time on Earth a global cival war was raging.Withen days the great ship crashed to Earth on a small island in the Pacific called Macross.Having the ship crash to Earth united all the countries.After ten years scientist's annouced that they had solved most of the ships secrets and that it would be launched soon.On launching day the Zentraedi came to reclaim the ship and began the first Robotech war.The Macross Saga.

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