Welcome to my Guestbook! Thanks for looking here! Please sign my guestbook if you haven't already.

mina - 12/19/00 11:53:21
Favorite Sailor Scout: sailor venus
Favorite Sailor Moon Character: mina


mina - 12/19/00 11:53:15
Favorite Sailor Scout: sailor venus
Favorite Sailor Moon Character: mina


sailor cloud fighter - 12/17/00 08:47:16
My Email:thebuu@hotmail.com
Favorite Sailor Scout: sailor venus
Favorite Sailor Moon Character: mina

great page keep up the good work.

Nicole Truitt - 12/16/00 14:10:45
Favorite Sailor Scout: sailor moon
Favorite Sailor Moon Character: serena

please send me some sailor moon stuff

lucy - 12/15/00 11:23:32
Favorite Sailor Scout: sailor uranus
Favorite Sailor Moon Character: amy


gilibeanz - 12/15/00 04:26:30
My URL:/themoonkingdom/
My Email:gilibeanz@hotmail.com
Favorite Sailor Scout: Sailor Moon
Favorite Sailor Moon Character: Sailor Moon

Nice site. I really like the background. Keep up the good work :)

Roxanne Carruthers - 12/14/00 15:11:03
Favorite Sailor Scout: SAILOR MOON !!!
Favorite Sailor Moon Character: SERENA !!!


TONI CARRUTHERS - 12/14/00 15:06:58
Favorite Sailor Scout: SAILOR MARS
Favorite Sailor Moon Character: MOLLY

Ilike sailor mars because she has fire attacts

Nicky - 12/13/00 16:24:34
Favorite Sailor Moon Character: sailor moon


Sailor Jupiter - 12/13/00 15:14:59
Favorite Sailor Scout: Sailor Jupiter
Favorite Sailor Moon Character: Lita

The Sailor Jupter is the fantastic !!! I'm Brazilian !!!! I'm Love Sailor jupiter !! Bye !!! Jupiter Kiss

Sailor Jupiter - 12/13/00 15:14:50
Favorite Sailor Scout: Sailor Jupiter
Favorite Sailor Moon Character: Lita

The Sailor Jupter is the fantastic !!! I'm Brazilian !!!! I'm Love Sailor jupiter !! Bye !!! Jupiter Kiss

- 12/13/00 15:13:24


- 12/13/00 15:11:03


Stacey - 12/10/00 07:09:30
My URL:http://envy.nu/lovelykitty/
My Email:fantasygrl2002@yahoo.com
Favorite Sailor Scout: Chibimoon
Favorite Sailor Moon Character: Sailor Saturn

You have a cool site, I enjoyed my stay, keep up the great work. Have a HaPpY dAy! :o)

Alasdair - 12/07/00 10:21:33
My URL:http://communities.msn.co.uk/teenswholovetoch
My Email:zivzulander1@hotmail.com
Favorite Sailor Scout: SAILOR MOON
Favorite Sailor Moon Character: Serena

nice site it is totally cool and the links are great. cya

Ginny - 12/03/00 00:51:32
My URL:http://www.maxpages.com/animeapt
My Email:QuatresGirl1@hotmail.com
Favorite Sailor Scout: Sailor Moon
Favorite Sailor Moon Character: Serena

Your site is way kewl! Oh! Go to my better site: http://www.geocities.com/theanimechick/index.html

Neo Sailor Angel - 11/26/00 18:24:36
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/anime/eternalneomoon/index.html
My Email:neosailorangel@yahoo.com
Favorite Sailor Scout: Sailor Moon
Favorite Sailor Moon Character: Sailor Moon

Hi there! Nice site...its really organized and well thought out. Keep up the awesome job, and come sign my g-book sometime! Thanks!
~*~*Neo Sailor Angel signing out

Visit the one and only Eternal Neo Moon Sailor Moon!

belinda harris - 11/25/00 06:34:11
My Email:thebuu@hotmail.com
Favorite Sailor Scout: sailor chibie moon
Favorite Sailor Moon Character: rennie or chibieusa

sailor moon is the very best but not as good as this site

kara crozier - 11/21/00 18:41:25
My Email:paul@pcrozier54.freeserve.co.uk
Favorite Sailor Scout: sailor jupiter
Favorite Sailor Moon Character: luna p (reenys guide)


laura Maddox - 11/01/00 23:49:00
My Email:eyecandy246@yahoo.com
Favorite Sailor Scout: chibi chibi moon
Favorite Sailor Moon Character: Lethe and Mnemosyne

This is a kool site i liked it a lot. you have to add more stuff about chibi chibi moon! And you MUST MUST MUST do stuff about Lethe and Mnemosyne! You now the evil twins! They rock you can send me pics of either of them at eyecandy246Ayahoo.com.Thanx!

Jarv - 10/31/00 15:56:45
Favorite Sailor Scout: Sailor Moon
Favorite Sailor Moon Character: Serena

Hey. Does anyone know why this show got a cult following? Anyway, those girls are just so cute.

sophie,lucy,samuel - 10/26/00 17:30:39


Molly - 09/27/00 00:42:57
My URL:http://www.Ex page/MAMs Kitty Page.com
My Email:MollyMonster5689@ Aol.com
Favorite Sailor Scout: Saturn!
Favorite Sailor Moon Character: Mina

this sight is da bomb

Sailfan - 09/24/00 03:40:41
My URL:http://fly.to/ssms
My Email:Sailfan99@mailcity.com
Favorite Sailor Scout: Enternal Sailor Moon
Favorite Sailor Moon Character: Princess Serenity


Ohayo Sailor Star!
Your site is very kawaii. Keep up the great work!

Come to Sailfan's Sailor Moon Site!

Allison - 09/23/00 13:51:44
My URL:http://www.sailorsenshiworld.com
My Email:allison@software-arts.com
Favorite Sailor Scout: Sailor Star Fighter
Favorite Sailor Moon Character: Sailor Star Fighter

Great site!

Lita - 09/10/00 05:07:46
My Email:Cutie Jupiter@Aol.com
Favorite Sailor Scout: Sailor Jupiter
Favorite Sailor Moon Character: Lita


chris - 09/06/00 00:02:56
Favorite Sailor Scout: uranus
Favorite Sailor Moon Character: rini


Sailor Tanzanite - 09/05/00 17:11:29
My Email:malcomwheeler1@uk.dreamcast.com
Favorite Sailor Scout: Sailor Murcury
Favorite Sailor Moon Character: Luna the cat

I love Sailor Moon and this website! I really think Luna and Artimus are super cute, I wish all cats were like them!

Sorceress Shadowleopard - 09/03/00 19:42:41
My Email:sorcererleopard@mooniemail.com
Favorite Sailor Scout: Sailor Saturn
Favorite Sailor Moon Character: Michiru

I love your site! Thanx for making it! Sorceress Shadowleopard

MELIS - 08/31/00 12:07:35
Favorite Sailor Scout: SAILOR MOON
Favorite Sailor Moon Character: SAILOR MOON


Sailor Chibiselenity - 08/25/00 01:55:15
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/kittymagic1/SMExpress.html
My Email:chibiselenity@sailormoon.com
Favorite Sailor Scout: Sailor Moon
Favorite Sailor Moon Character: Serena

I really like your site. The only problem is that when I submitted MY Url, site title, and etc. at your adopt- a- Sailor Scout site, it kept on saying " Cannot Find Server. Please Respond! Oh, and I absolutely appreciate knowing my Japanese name!

v-babe - 08/20/00 20:04:57
My Email:aznsv@aol.com
Favorite Sailor Scout: sailor venus
Favorite Sailor Moon Character: minako aino

i love this site its very cool!^_^ ok well gonna check it out somemore byeeee!!!~*^_^*~

Jennifer - 08/16/00 22:10:17
My Email:LiLaSnMeW22
Favorite Sailor Scout: Salior Pluto
Favorite Sailor Moon Character: Tressa

I am a BIG!!!!!!!!!!!!!fan of Salior Moon

Kali - 08/15/00 15:37:38
My URL:http://www.expage.com/scoutshrine
My Email:---
Favorite Sailor Scout: Jupiter
Favorite Sailor Moon Character: Serena

Thanx 4 letting me adopt a sailor scout!!!

rachel - 08/06/00 22:43:02
My Email:sailornep1331@aol
Favorite Sailor Scout: sailor neptune
Favorite Sailor Moon Character: diana


Anako - 08/01/00 22:15:23
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/anime/anako/index.html
My Email:moonrabbitanako@hotmail.com
Favorite Sailor Scout: Sailor Mars
Favorite Sailor Moon Character: Sailor Mars and Sailor Lead Crow

I love your site! It's just too kawaii! Please go to my site (everyone!) you can apply for awards, I bet you'll win! Do you have a banner you want me to use to link you? Or do you just want a text link? Or do you not care? Thanks! Anako

Sailor Unistar - 08/01/00 14:59:35
My URL:http://chibipop.cjb.net/
My Email:cdle_cat@hotmail.com
Favorite Sailor Scout: Sailor Moon
Favorite Sailor Moon Character: Sailor Star Figther

I like your paaageee! It's so cute and pretty! There a lot of stuff we can do on your page! Keep it up!

Chibistar3 - 08/01/00 13:36:10
My URL:http://www.sailormoonfanart2.homestead.com/
My Email:psyko5@mediaone.net
Favorite Sailor Scout: Sailor Jupiter
Favorite Sailor Moon Character: Sailor Jupiter

I love this site. ,Come over and visit mine sometime and sign the guestbook. Send in some fanart, if you have any, to me. Thanks!

Sailor Piraru - 07/30/00 03:19:21
My URL:http://expage.com/pilizcandyx87
My Email:jupitermaiden@yahoo.com
Favorite Sailor Scout: Sailor Chibi Moon!!!!
Favorite Sailor Moon Character: Makato

This is such a cool site!!! Please come and visit mine!!! I hope ya do!!! Bai Bai peepz~=)

Chelsea W - 07/29/00 20:00:39
My Email:rwilson6@gte.net
Favorite Sailor Scout: Sailor Neptun
Favorite Sailor Moon Character: Michell Kaio

I like your site very Much!

SERENA;) - 07/29/00 17:34:48
My Email:clarityw@swbell.net
Favorite Sailor Scout: SAILOR MOON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Favorite Sailor Moon Character: DAIREN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

SAILOR MOON & TUXIDO MASK 4 EVER!!!!!!!! SAILOR MOON RULES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! SAILOR PLANET POWER!!!! I am a big fan of sailor moon & the sailor scouts I watch it every day I can!

JORDAN HARVEY - 07/29/00 01:40:17
My Email:HBK2000000
Favorite Sailor Scout: SAILOR JUPITER
Favorite Sailor Moon Character: LITA


Hotaru - 07/28/00 21:36:55
My Email:Serenityjewel@aol.com
Favorite Sailor Scout: Sailor Saturn
Favorite Sailor Moon Character: Hotaru Tomoe

Cool Site. Great Work!!!!!!!! ~Hotaru~

rach - 07/28/00 17:56:32
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/ks/SailorMars/main.html
My Email:sailorpluto99@webtv.net
Favorite Sailor Scout: sailor pluto
Favorite Sailor Moon Character: Eudial

Cool page

Rabbit called Rabbit - 07/16/00 10:16:20
Favorite Sailor Scout: Sailor Pluto
Favorite Sailor Moon Character: Sailor Chibi Moon

I LiKe EvErYtHiNg ThAt CoMmEnTs To SaIlOr MoOn!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

mika-chan - 07/11/00 14:37:45
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/mikahyper/index.html
My Email:rocketgal99@aol.com
Favorite Sailor Scout: this is in order jupiter,mars,moon,mercury,venus & now the outers uranus,neptune,saturn,&pluto
Favorite Sailor Moon Character: darien

cool page

Lauraholyn - 07/10/00 17:47:26
My Email:lauraholyn@cs.com
Favorite Sailor Scout: SaliorMars
Favorite Sailor Moon Character: Tuxedomask

i really like your site it is awsome. And I LOVE Salior Moon and I also LOVE Gundam Wing. BYE-BYE

- 07/08/00 13:30:55


Kristl - 07/04/00 15:53:37
Favorite Sailor Moon Character: Sailor Chibi Moon


Amy Cheung - 06/23/00 19:55:10
My URL:http://64601114.home.icq.com/fOrTuNeCiTy.html
My Email:NyAzNgRlY86@hotmail.com
Favorite Sailor Scout: Sailormoon
Favorite Sailor Moon Character: Sailormoon

Nice page!

Kaori - 06/21/00 21:49:24
My Email:Kaori_139@yahoo.co.jp
Favorite Sailor Scout: Sailorsaturn
Favorite Sailor Moon Character: Kaorinite of course

Heya! GREAT PAGE!!! I absolutely LOVE it! Keep up the great work!!!

Heather - 06/21/00 06:05:49
My URL:don't have one--yet
My Email:dolphingrlluvr@aol.com
Favorite Sailor Scout: Sailor Moon
Favorite Sailor Moon Character: Sailor Moon/Serena

This site is one of the coolest

REI HINO - 06/20/00 05:59:39
My URL:http://members.aol.com/gemgirl87
My Email:gemgirl87@aol.com
Favorite Sailor Scout: sailor mars
Favorite Sailor Moon Character: molly

great site gotta get me one like this

Rachel - 06/13/00 19:17:46
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/o_luna_o/enter.html
My Email:lunaguril@aol.com
Favorite Sailor Scout: I like Sailor Saturn....but sailor moon still rocks!
Favorite Sailor Moon Character: Rini

I love your page it is totally cool! Looks like you did a lot of work on it! Keep it up!

Holly - 06/13/00 17:27:46
My URL:http://cierasanctuary.com
My Email:SailorManga@sailorfans.zzn.com
Favorite Sailor Scout: Sailor Mars
Favorite Sailor Moon Character: Princess Kakyuu

What a terrific page! I PROMISE that I'll come back every week and sign your guetsbook to tell you about your progress. If you'd like, we could start a Webring! E-mail me!

Sarinda - 06/12/00 12:48:02
My URL:http://members.tripod.com/Teruru252
My Email:Sailor_Ruby@hotmail.com
Favorite Sailor Scout: Jupiter,Neptune
Favorite Sailor Moon Character: Diana

I love the layout and the japanese name area!

(Unknow) - 06/10/00 02:32:31
My Email:zachs@yahoo.com
Favorite Sailor Scout: Sailor Venus
Favorite Sailor Moon Character: Tuxedo Mask

Please DON'T ask me!!!!!! please keep your mouth SHUT!!!OK?!

Jf - 06/10/00 02:28:11
My Email:none
Favorite Sailor Scout: Sailor mars
Favorite Sailor Moon Character: I don't know!!! Okay?!?

Your web page is okay, you need to add a little more funny stuff!!!!! Yahoo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Jupiterfreak - 06/08/00 21:14:05
My URL:http://zmack.to/Makoto01
My Email:Makoto_Angel@smstars.zzn.com
Favorite Sailor Scout: Sailor Jupiter
Favorite Sailor Moon Character: Sailor Jupiter

You have a really cute site!! ^^ I love the adoptions and all the great stuff to do! Your layout is adorable! You should be really proud of what you have done! Keep up the great work!

Come visit Thunder Angel!

Usagi - 06/03/00 15:00:39
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/chick007_me/
My Email:chick007_me@yahoo.com
Favorite Sailor Scout: SAILORMOON
Favorite Sailor Moon Character: SAILORCHIBIMOON

COOL SITE!! >(^..^)<

sarah - 06/02/00 06:20:15
Favorite Sailor Scout: rini
Favorite Sailor Moon Character: sailormoon


sarah - 06/02/00 06:19:53
Favorite Sailor Scout: rini
Favorite Sailor Moon Character: sailormoon


Tiamat - 05/26/00 04:42:44
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/fainra
Favorite Sailor Moon Character: Sailor Moon?

This site is cool (O^_^O)

Eternal lita - 05/25/00 15:16:15
My URL:http://expage.com/dayanasailormoonpage
Favorite Sailor Scout: lita
Favorite Sailor Moon Character: serena

This is DEFENITLY going on my favorites.........do u know sailorsugar???Ur page is kinda like hers.......and she mentions someone named:sailor star sugar WELL...........u have a nice page!!!!!BYE!~*^_^*~

Sailor Cosmos - 05/22/00 15:35:51
My URL:http://puppieeyes.tripod.com/
Favorite Sailor Scout: Sailor Saturn
Favorite Sailor Moon Character: Meeka(Dangerous Dollies)

Your site rocks! It think you should consider trying to win my award! I love your site!

hug0 - 05/20/00 15:44:07
Favorite Sailor Scout: salor mars
Favorite Sailor Moon Character: salor mars

i think you should email cartoon network and tell them to show salor moon stars.

R.G. - 05/08/00 23:15:19
My Email:ayane@trigun.com
Favorite Sailor Scout: Sailor Venus
Favorite Sailor Moon Character: Amy

Sailor Venus needs some bigger tits. Sailor Mercury needs a larger ass. Sailor Scouts wear short shorts!!

Carol Friend - 05/06/00 02:01:50
My URL:http://www.homestead.com/crepperanimerules/creephp.html
My Email:creeper60@hotmail.com
Favorite Sailor Scout: sailor saturn
Favorite Sailor Moon Character: amy

i love you web page.you should vist my web page

Jenny Jupiter - 04/29/00 21:50:36
My URL:http://www.gurlpages.com/other/jupiterofthunder/jennyjupiter.html
My Email:justabudy2u@yahoo.com
Favorite Sailor Scout: Sailor Uranus
Favorite Sailor Moon Character: Sailor Saturn

This is a really KEWL site!!! Visit mine too!!

SAMANTHA - 04/26/00 14:55:33
My URL:http://www.moon1sam.com
Favorite Sailor Scout: SAILOR MOON
Favorite Sailor Moon Character: PRINCESS SERENITY


SAMANTHA - 04/26/00 14:48:20
My URL:http://www.moon1sam.com
My Email:moon1sam


Caleb - 04/21/00 03:49:44
My URL:http://karebu.tripod.com
My Email:sailorsoldiermercury@sailormoon.com
Favorite Sailor Scout: Sailor Mercury
Favorite Sailor Moon Character: Amy/Mina

I really liked your site, especially the Japanese name. Good luck with it in the future.

Em - 04/19/00 17:42:06
Favorite Sailor Scout: Chibi Moon
Favorite Sailor Moon Character: Hotaru

I love your site!^-^

Sailor Silver - 04/19/00 03:29:00
My URL:http://silverstar218.tripod.com/shrine.html
My Email:SilverStar218@hotmail.com
Favorite Sailor Scout: Sailor Moon
Favorite Sailor Moon Character: Setsuna and Mina

If anyone has a sailor moon site then email me or go to my site and join my sm webring!! :) Also! If you want! Sign my guestbook. I want to know what you think of my site!! :) Thanks!! -Sailor Silver

ashley - 04/19/00 00:29:28
Favorite Sailor Scout: sailor cosmos
Favorite Sailor Moon Character: princess fireball


Alexandra - 04/16/00 20:36:38
My Email:surferchick70000@aol.com
Favorite Sailor Scout: Sailor Moon
Favorite Sailor Moon Character: Tuxedo Mask

This site is awesome. keep it up.

Serena Brown - 04/16/00 18:20:16
My URL:http://www.expage.com/page/britmoonsailormoonpage
My Email:sailormoon_britmoon@sailormoon.com
Favorite Sailor Scout: Sailor Moon and Sailor Mars
Favorite Sailor Moon Character: Sailor Moon and Sailor Mars

cool site!

Spirit Karin - 04/15/00 19:18:26
My URL:http://www.thesitefight.com/spiritof
My Email:skylge65@dds.nl


~*~*~*~*~Sprinkle Sprinkle~*~*~*~*~

Spirit Karin was
flying around
And you're page
is what she found
From the Netherlands
flying into you're site
She will give here sprinkles
to everyone at every age

~*~Spirit Karin~*~

Nickelle - 04/13/00 18:14:25
My Email:tigger161@home.com
Favorite Sailor Scout: Sailor Moon
Favorite Sailor Moon Character: Sailor Moon, Sailor Venus, Sailor Mercury

I love Sailor Moon and I can't wait for the new ones to come on in september.

jessica - 04/06/00 00:39:19
My Email:arizblueeyes@aol.com
Favorite Sailor Scout: *Sailor Moon*
Favorite Sailor Moon Character: *Sailor Moon*

I really like the show and my good friend Linder can make a pic of eney of the Sailor moon characters she is so cool so is this site you know in a way she looks like her how cool id that well bye.

Danielle - 03/28/00 01:48:03
Favorite Sailor Scout: Sailor Moon
Favorite Sailor Moon Character: Darien!!!

I love Sailor Moon very, very much and I just wanted to say that I think this is a good site for Sailor Moon info!!!!!

Pluto Fan ( tastic ) - 03/28/00 00:22:43
My URL:http://bunny.sailormoon.org/links/
Favorite Sailor Scout: Sailor Pluto
Favorite Sailor Moon Character: Meiou Setsuna

Wow, "Sailor Moon" ,the show, is amazing! And of couse this site rocks with it. I know people have their own favorite scout, but ... know one rules like Sailor Pluto! I mean she controls time! And how cool is that! And I love that name ... Setsuna. Sailor Pluto is just so pretty, she gorgeous and is so mature!

sailor mercury cutie - 03/23/00 04:33:48
My Email:sailor mercury@ home .com
Favorite Sailor Scout: sailor mercury
Favorite Sailor Moon Character: Sailor Merucury

I love sailor mercury!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!shine aqua illusion mercury bubble blast mercury ice storm splash..................and many more!!!!!! Sailor Mercury 4 ever

Neo-Qeunn Serenity - 03/21/00 16:08:28
My Email:n/a
Favorite Sailor Scout: Sailor Moon
Favorite Sailor Moon Character: Sailor Moon

Sailor moon is the greatest show in this universe!!! My friends and me are the sailor scouts. Nina: Mercury Me: Moon Jenniffer: Venus Julie: Mars Lisa: Jupiter You should put in their tansformations. But I llllooooovvvvveee Sailor moon. You all need to v sit my friend Ninas web page. Keep the tapes rolling!!!! ^-^bye!

Amanda - 03/15/00 21:19:15
My Email:soccer_queen26@hotmail.com or beazly@sailormoon.com
Favorite Sailor Scout: mercury
Favorite Sailor Moon Character: mercury

I love the Show It's AWESOME and COOL. Amanda

Serena - 03/11/00 04:20:03


Serena - 03/11/00 04:19:20
Favorite Sailor Scout: Sailor Moon


krystal - 02/19/00 14:35:31
My Email:krystalld@yahoo.com
Favorite Sailor Scout: sailor moon
Favorite Sailor Moon Character: sailor moon

i love the misty fasion show!

branka - 02/17/00 14:41:43
My Email:SexyKind8@aol.com
Favorite Sailor Scout: Sailor Moon
Favorite Sailor Moon Character: Sailor Mars

Your web page is awesome and keep working on it.

sailor moon - 02/16/00 21:49:01
Favorite Sailor Scout: me myself and iiiii
Favorite Sailor Moon Character: meeeeee

your quiz is o.k but its stupid because if you get anything wroung you have to do all the same crap to answer right

Kim - 02/13/00 14:41:53
My Email:MLL793
Favorite Sailor Scout: Sailor Mercury
Favorite Sailor Moon Character: Ami

I always watch your show.It's the BEST!I LOVE your show!

jennifer - 02/10/00 02:24:29
My Email:lindlyle@aol.com
Favorite Sailor Scout: sailor jupiter
Favorite Sailor Moon Character: all of them

i love sailor moon

Mandy - 02/02/00 02:38:13
My URL:http://www.expage.com/page/moonopal
My Email:fireopal@mail.ctg.net
Favorite Sailor Scout: Sailor Pluto
Favorite Sailor Moon Character: Sailor Pluto

Come visit my page! It's all about Sailor Pluto! Your site is really cool! Pretty, too!

DJ - 01/28/00 21:31:04
My URL:http://www.angelfire.lycos.com/biz5/DANIELPOKEMON
My Email:bigerdog66543@hotmail.com
Favorite Sailor Scout: Pikachu
Favorite Sailor Moon Character: Gandorf


nina bartley - 01/28/00 01:31:34
My URL:http://www.oe-pages.com/ARTS/TV1/sailornina/
My Email:helenad@emunet.com.au
Favorite Sailor Scout: sailor saturn
Favorite Sailor Moon Character: sailor saturn

hi i love your web page i think its great (_8(I)homer

Kristen Urban - 01/27/00 01:06:57
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Hollywood/Club/5310
My Email:cosmic_moon_power_99@yahoo.com
Favorite Sailor Scout: Sailor Moon or Sailor Venus
Favorite Sailor Moon Character: Mina

I like your site alot. It is pretty kewl to see what your name is in Japinese. I will tell alot of people that like Sailor Moon to come to this site cause it is really kewl!

MEHREEN QURESHI - 01/05/00 01:55:34
Favorite Sailor Scout: SERENA
Favorite Sailor Moon Character: DARIAN

I really love your show but i can't wait to see the new episodes of sailor moon.

Erin Schwartz - 01/01/00 16:15:35
Favorite Sailor Scout: Sailor Moon
Favorite Sailor Moon Character: Luna& Salior Moon


ERin Schwartz - 01/01/00 16:14:00
Favorite Sailor Scout: Sailor Moon


Setsuna Meiou - 12/30/99 00:21:45
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/sd/timecastle
My Email:setsuna_meioh18@yahoo.com
Favorite Sailor Scout: PLUTO!!
Favorite Sailor Moon Character: Prince Diamond, Endymion, ParaPara, Hotaru,and CMoon!

I love your page!! This page is really awesome!! Keep up the good work!!!!!!!!!!

Aura Thundera - 12/27/99 23:43:30
My URL:http://members.xoom.com/DeonII/
My Email:deonii@yahoo.com
Favorite Sailor Scout: uhh...what are their names again?
Favorite Sailor Moon Character: Jedite, because his name makes him so much cooler than everyone else

What the hell is with all these Star Wars pages being converted into Sailor Moon pages? It's enough to drive a good Jedi to the Dark Side. *stomps off muttering to self about mounting an armed offensive of X-wings and computer viruses to wipe all traces of Sailor Moon from the earth*

Kristine(Sailor Enternal) - 12/20/99 00:57:53
My Email:SailorGirl59@aol.com
Favorite Sailor Scout: Sailor Uranus
Favorite Sailor Moon Character: Darien(I think hes cute!!)

I think this site is totally one of the very best I have ever seen and I have seen a lot

Kristine(Sailor Enternal) - 12/20/99 00:57:28
Favorite Sailor Scout: Sailor Uranus
Favorite Sailor Moon Character: Darien(I think hes cute!!)

I think this site is totally one of the very best I have ever seen and I have seen a lot

Serenity - 12/12/99 21:51:29
Favorite Sailor Scout: Sailor Gallaxia
Favorite Sailor Moon Character: Helios

Sailor Moon is cool! ^_^ I love Sailor Moon and I think everyone should watch it/or read about it. I really like the kinky pics of Darien and Serena in the manga! O.O Bye. PEACE!! ^_^*

Alex (Alexandra) - 12/09/99 00:42:03
My URL:http://sailorpalce.homepage.com
My Email:sailoralex@email.com
Favorite Sailor Scout: Sailor Moon
Favorite Sailor Moon Character: Sailor Moon and Luna

Awesome site! REALLY pretty :p

Vikki - 11/21/99 17:44:06
My URL:http://www.gurlpages.com/tv/jupiterzues04/index.html
My Email:jupiterzues04@gurlmail.com
Favorite Sailor Scout: Jupiter
Favorite Sailor Moon Character: Lita

nice site keep up the good work

- 11/11/99 22:30:14

Click To Go To The Ultimate Sailor Moon Fan Site

Sailor North Star Fairy - 11/11/99 03:16:34
Favorite Sailor Scout: Sailor Venus
Favorite Sailor Moon Character: Molly

I LOVE your Site . . . Polls, quis, bios-everything!

Sailor Angel - 11/05/99 23:20:14
My URL:http://hometown.aol.com/SailorAngel1/Entrance.html
My Email:SailorMamoru@netscape.net
Favorite Sailor Scout: Sailor Pluto
Favorite Sailor Moon Character: Sailor Pluto

Great site! Keep up the good work

Jackie(SailorJack) - 11/05/99 04:58:03
My Email:jackie-r@pacbell.net
Favorite Sailor Scout: EternalMoon&Jupiter
Favorite Sailor Moon Character: EternalMoon

I think this is the best web site I every went!!!!!;)

Karina Mondragón - 10/31/99 22:41:23
My URL:http://(not up yet)
My Email:horsea7@yahoo.com
Favorite Sailor Scout: Sailor Moon
Favorite Sailor Moon Character: Sailor Moon

This is one of the best sailor moon pages I've ever seen! And trust me, my eyes have seen a lot. Keep on the good work! I wish I could continue my page but a virus caused all my files to disappear =( I cried 'cause most of them were sailor moon files and I had a lot of them including sounds, pics, animations(sigh!) Well I have to keep on looking to recover my lost files... ye! Ps: (Sorry for telling you my problems!)

Jen - 10/31/99 14:17:13
My URL:http://home.columbus.rr.com/adrions/SailorMoon/
My Email:jen92111@columbus.rr.com
Favorite Sailor Scout: Eternal SM
Favorite Sailor Moon Character: ChibiChibi

Your page is awesome! KUTGW

joshua - 10/31/99 04:55:28
Favorite Sailor Scout: mercury
Favorite Sailor Moon Character: sailor moon

i like sailor moon because she has the most weapons then the othr sailor scouts.

joshua - 10/31/99 04:54:27
Favorite Sailor Scout: mercury
Favorite Sailor Moon Character: sailor moon

i like sailor moon because she has the most weapons then the othr sailor scouts.

joshua - 10/31/99 04:53:41
Favorite Sailor Scout: mercury
Favorite Sailor Moon Character: sailor moon

i like sailor moon because she has the most weapons then the othr sailor scosts

L^_^A - 10/30/99 17:09:17
My URL:http://community.webtv.net/XuXu0625/SailorEverything
Favorite Sailor Scout: Sailor Jupiter
Favorite Sailor Moon Character: Sailor Jupiter

I love your site! If you added midis (music) you'd be ranked 10. Visit my site and sign the Guest Book!

Kelly - 10/27/99 22:11:10
My URL:http://kids.pxi.com/kelly/page16.html
My Email:Kelly@pxi.com
Favorite Sailor Scout: Sailor Venus
Favorite Sailor Moon Character: Luna

Wow! I love your page! It is the kewlest!! It has info 'bout the scouts, and pictures! The layout is wonderful! Keep up the great work!

mEGgS - 10/16/99 03:50:56
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/sunsetstrip/pit/7216/index.html
My Email:animalcracker@mail.com
Favorite Sailor Scout: Sailor Mars
Favorite Sailor Moon Character: hmm . . . Mina's pretty cool

I just wanna say that your page is really cool and I like it and stuff. Just wanted to mention that. I'm REALLY tired right now though ~_~ so I'll see ya later. OHH go to my webpage!

sara - 10/06/99 23:43:18
My Email:SNSpiceGrl@aol.com
Favorite Sailor Scout: sailormoon
Favorite Sailor Moon Character: neal queen serenity


Feira Taylor - 09/24/99 09:41:42
My URL:http://move.to/moonkingdom
My Email:feira@senshi-mail.zzn.com
Favorite Sailor Scout: Sailor Moon
Favorite Sailor Moon Character: Sailor Mercury

I love this page very well made and it is fun. i love the background.

Cristy - 09/23/99 02:47:44
My URL:http://butterfli.friendpages.com
My Email:elizabit@hotmail.com
Favorite Sailor Scout: Sailor moon
Favorite Sailor Moon Character: Rini

I love the way your page is built!!! Keep it up!!

Jerry - 09/22/99 09:27:50
My URL:/moon_fashions/
My Email:moon_fashions@hotmail.com
Favorite Sailor Scout: Sailor Moon
Favorite Sailor Moon Character: Tsukino Usagi


Nice Webpage, I love that front page too.

Stephanie - 09/21/99 00:21:42
My Email:stephanie.WWSD@hotmail1.com
Favorite Sailor Scout: Serena
Favorite Sailor Moon Character: Sailor Moon

I am just like Serena. Iam a total mess. I an forteen years old and in high school.

Anne - 09/11/99 18:27:51
My Email:anneb@firemail.de
Favorite Sailor Scout: Sailor Neptun
Favorite Sailor Moon Character: Luna

Hey you, please send me a Mail! (-:

Kat Brausch - 09/08/99 01:20:12
Favorite Sailor Scout: Sailor Jupiter & Saturn
Favorite Sailor Moon Character: Lita and Susan


Drew - 09/06/99 21:28:33
My Email:Sk8nbird@aol.com
Favorite Sailor Scout: Rini
Favorite Sailor Moon Character: Rini

Rini is cool

martin - 09/04/99 11:36:57
My URL:http://www.bletro.nl/martin
My Email:martin@bletro.nl
Favorite Sailor Scout: I prefer kiwigoulash
Favorite Sailor Moon Character: make it two, please

cool site. Great graphics!

Tara - 08/28/99 13:58:50
My URL:http://tarasworld.cjb.net
My Email:twilight1165@yahoo.com

You've got a great site. Even though I don't like sailor moon, it is a good site.

lacie nehm - 08/27/99 00:49:43
My Email:sweething_93@hotmail.com
Favorite Sailor Scout: sailor venuse
Favorite Sailor Moon Character: dont have one

i love sailor moons cartoon show its got alot of women power in it

Rebecca Cox - 08/26/99 02:21:01
My URL:http://home.swbell.net/rcox70/rebcox.html
My Email:countrymeadows@hotmail.com
Favorite Sailor Scout: dont have one
Favorite Sailor Moon Character: dont have one


Let your
SPIRIT shine

has flown by to spread the Site Fights Spirit

Post some cheers SHOUT IT OUT!
Let your voice be heard
Good Luck the week of August 23-29 at the Site Fights

Fairy TabbyCat - 08/24/99 15:39:40
My URL:http://members.xoom.com/runtell/fairy.html
My Email:runtll@hotmail.com
Favorite Sailor Scout: Sailor Jupitor
Favorite Sailor Moon Character: Luna



Sing it HIGH........Sing it LOUD!
You've Just Been Dusted!

Just to let you know how much
I loved my visit here!

Fairy Tabby Cat Just Stopping By
To Bring You Spirit~*~*~And Make You Smile!

Thank you for
visiting us at
Katnip Fairy Creek!

Bunny - 08/23/99 20:59:51
My URL:http://www.sailormoon.com
My Email:charm260@cs.com
Favorite Sailor Scout: sailormoon
Favorite Sailor Moon Character: luna

please visit my webpage!! thanx sailormoon rules!!

Wee One Puddles - 08/23/99 13:42:45
My URL:http://www.thesitefights.com/fairies/
My Email:sportz_star@hotmail.com
Favorite Sailor Moon Character: uh...Sailor Moon : )


*~*~*~*~Sprinkle Sprinkle*~*~*~*~*

Wee One Puddles is here to say
She hopes she brightens up your day!!
She sprinkles dust all over your site
And she hopes you fight with all of your might!!
Your site is o cool
No wonder Stormy's Legends rule!!


Stacey - 08/21/99 05:23:49
My URL:http://members.aol.com/whispwings/page/index.htm
My Email:WhisperingRidge@hotmail.com

I wanted to take a minute and say, I hope the spirit is floating your way... Giving you cheer and boosting your pride, always reminding you that their on your side! Fairies and spirit floating like a kite, Where can you find this...THE GREAT SITE FIGHTS

Larry(Disco Vet) - 08/20/99 00:12:36
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/pentagon/bunker/7900/
My Email:discovet@geocities.com

Eagles Spirit
Click Here

I just came by to sprinkle a little spirit.

Good Luck and the best to you and yours.

Thanks Terri
Click Here

Jeanine - 08/19/99 18:26:12
My URL:http://pages.ivillage.com/pp/jeaninel/
My Email:jeanine70@hotmail.com

Came by To Visit You !


You Have Just Been
Dusted With
Spirit Cheer
By A Cherub Champion!

Here Is A Spirit Stick To
Pass On For GOOD LUCK!!

Angels Can Fly!
Because They
Stopped By To Spread The Spirit!!
YEAH!! Go Team Go!!

kim - 08/18/99 22:01:18

i really like your site have fun

Fairy Venus - 08/17/99 22:13:50
My URL:http://www.thesitefights.com/fairies/Dfairy.html
My Email:toni713@ivillage.com


Fairy Venus has twinkled here

to leave with you some Spirit and Cheer.

Fly to D'Realm and Shout It Out,

Cheering is whithout a doubt ~

A very good way to get to the Dome!

So come on over to our Site Fights home,

Chat and Share and play with D'Spot

Let's hear it for you ~ Your site is Hot!

With a Sprinkle ~ A giggle and a dusting of cheer ~~

Fairy Venus is outta here!

Wee One Sailor Star - 08/16/99 17:01:21
My Email:KristenBan@msn.com
Favorite Sailor Scout: Sailor Pluto
Favorite Sailor Moon Character: Sailor Pluto


~*~Sprinkle, Sprinkle~*~

I was wandering througth a beautiful glade
When a voice called out to me "stop!"
So I flitted down, and looked around
and found myself in this spot!

A beautiful page, with spirit and cheer
so lovely to behold
So I sprinkled my dust, just to say "hi"
and then my wings I did fold

I stopped for a while and looked around
and left my mark on this place,
"I'm sure they'll do well," I thought to myself,
and I'm sure that will be the case...

You've been sprinkled by a wee one!
Actually, you've been sprinkled by me,
Wee One Sailor Star!

Remember to Shout it Out!


HeyYouSir - 08/15/99 16:38:37
My URL:http://www.visi.com/~heyyousir
My Email:HeyYouSir@wavefront.com

Nice site you have here... Cheers, HeyYouSir :)

kt - 08/14/99 03:17:54
My URL:http://members.tripod.com/michkt/enter.html
My Email:michirukt@aol.com
Favorite Sailor Scout: Neptune
Favorite Sailor Moon Character: Michiru

I like your home page. The cute little animated senshi are groovy.

Monica Hopper - 08/14/99 01:53:02
My URL:http://www.gate1.net/ElaineHopper/newpage21.htm
My Email:Shenalla@aol.com
Favorite Sailor Scout: Sailor Mars
Favorite Sailor Moon Character: Rei

I love your page! It's very pretty and cool. Monica Hopper **stop by and visit my page, too

Stacey (Fairy Whispering Wings) - 08/11/99 02:18:21
My URL:http://hometown.aol.com/whispwings/page/index.htm
My Email:WhisperingRidge@hotmail.com

I wanted to take a moment and say... I hope spirit and cheer are going your way! I hope the fairies flutter near... dusting your books with their pleasant cheer! Making you feel like you are home... encouraging you onward to the Dome!

Laura - 08/05/99 21:31:29
My URL:http://expage.com/page/sailormoonrulez
My Email:LMNtere@aol.com
Favorite Sailor Scout: Sailor Moon and Sailor Saturn
Favorite Sailor Moon Character: Queen Serenity

I love your page. You are doing a really good job on it. Come visit my page and sign up to win one of my awards!

Serena - 08/05/99 20:27:39
My URL:http://www.members.tripod.com/usagichano/dir.html
My Email:sailormoon1@gurlmail.com
Favorite Sailor Scout: Sailor Moon
Favorite Sailor Moon Character: Rini/Sailor Chibi Moon

Hey!!Such a ::kawaii:: page!!I luv it!Visit mine soon too!ok bye bye *^_^*

Wee One Sailor Star - 08/05/99 18:19:38
My URL:http://www.thesitefights.com/dladies/weeones/index.html
My Email:The Wee One's Realm
Favorite Sailor Scout: Sailor Pluto
Favorite Sailor Moon Character: Sailor Pluto


A little wee one stops,
gasps for breath,
and alights to
r st her wings
She looks around
and gasps in awe!
"What a cheery little
page this is,"
she says to herself.
"I'll have to dust
them before I continue on
my way." The little
wee one takes out her
dusting bag and sprinkles
dust all about her,
laughter in her eyes.
She looks around satisfied,
before leaving on her jouney...

May your fights be well fought,
Your scores good
And your spirit even better

Don't forget to
Shout it Out!

Here's a spirit stick for
your page!

Wee One Sailor Star - 08/05/99 18:14:51
My URL:http://www.thesitefights.com/dladies/weeones/index.html
My Email:The Wee One's Realm
Favorite Sailor Scout: Sailor Pluto
Favorite Sailor Moon Character: Sailor Pluto


A little wee one stops,
gasps for breath,
and alights to
rest her wings
She looks around
and gasps in awe!
"What a cheery little
page this is,"
she says to herself.
"I'll have to dust
them before I continue on
my way." The little
wee one takes out her
dusting bag and sprinkles
dust all about her,
laughter in her eyes.
She looks around satisfied,
before leaving on her jouney...

May your fights be well fought,
Your scores good
And your spirit even better

Don't forget to
Shout it Out!

Here's a spirit stick for
your page!

Wee One Sailor Star - 08/05/99 18:14:15
My URL:http://www.thesitefights.com/dladies/weeones/index.html
My Email:The Wee One's Realm
Favorite Sailor Scout: Sailor Pluto
Favorite Sailor Moon Character: Sailor Pluto


A little wee one stops,
gasps for breath,
and alights to
rest her wings
She looks around
and gasps in awe!
"What a cheery little
page this is,"
she says to herself.
"I'll have to dust
them before I continue on
my way." The little
wee one takes out her
dusting bag and sprinkles
dust all about her,
laughter in her eyes.
She looks around satisfied,
before leaving on her jouney...

May your fights be well fought,
Your scores good
And your spirit even better

Don't forget to
Shout it Out!

Here's a spirit stick for
your page!

Dee - 08/05/99 01:14:33
My URL:http://www.dkneest@aol.com
Favorite Sailor Moon Character: sailor moon, sailor jupiter

Really awesome site! Where do you get all your ideas? I'd like to see more animation when you get the chance to add to this great site.

Melissa - 08/05/99 00:48:32
My Email:SailorMell@HotMail.com
Favorite Sailor Scout: Sailor star Fither
Favorite Sailor Moon Character: seiya

I like your site

Runtell - 08/04/99 11:21:30
My URL:http://members.xoom.com/runtell
My Email:runtell@hotmail.com
Favorite Sailor Scout: Sailor Mercury
Favorite Sailor Moon Character: Chibi Usagi


I heard a sound
From far away
So I headed here~~~Yes, Right away!
And what did I find when I finally arrived?
Your SPIRIT Shining
With Site Fight Pride!
Sing it HIGH...Sing it LOUD
Spirited Meows from
of the DTiger Team

Four Paws Up for your Fighting Spirit!

Fairy Magic - 08/04/99 01:29:05
My URL:http://www.thesitefights.com/Fairies
My Email:FairyMagic@stacybunny.com


It's Legendary you know that the Fairies come to dust,
For Dust we must to keep our wings.
But we do not dust because we must.
I come to sprinkle  because I love to dust ,and dust.

Here's a Bag of fairy dust I've left for you.

 Don't forget to show your team spirit in shout it out.
Let them all know your Legendary!

Here is a spirit stick for you.

Hoss - 08/03/99 16:17:25
My URL:http://members.tripod.com/hoss21
My Email:Adventur18@aol.com
Favorite Sailor Scout: Sailor Mercury
Favorite Sailor Moon Character: Sailor Mercury

Hello :) Just surfing through and thought I'd leave my mark. You have a wonderful site here.. Definitely one of the best designs I've seen in awhile. Feel free to stop by my site anytime. Happy Surfing !! ~Hoss

charles ritcois - 07/29/99 10:41:24
Favorite Sailor Scout: toxedo mask


françois - 07/29/99 10:39:42


SailorCosmo - 07/28/99 21:14:17
My URL:http://fly.to/SailorCosmo
My Email:SailorCosmo@tuxedomask.com
Favorite Sailor Scout: Sailor Pluto
Favorite Sailor Moon Character: CeresCeres

Cool page . Read your entry in my book , wanted to see your site . Have soon SailorVenus.org ^_^ Sailor Cosmo`s Galaxy

SailorCosmo - 07/28/99 21:02:10
My URL:http://fly.to/SailorCosmo
My Email:SailorCosmo@tuxedomask.com
Favorite Sailor Scout: Sailor Pluto
Favorite Sailor Moon Character: CeresCeres

Cool page . Read your entry in my book , wanted to see your site . Have soon SailorVenus.org ^_^ Sailor Cosmo`s Galaxy

Kirsty - 07/28/99 19:58:36
My Email:queen_rat@hotmail.com
Favorite Sailor Scout: Sailorsaturn
Favorite Sailor Moon Character: Zoisite


Heya! Thanks for signing my guestbook...so it's time to sign yours! I love your layout and all the grafix! This site definetly deserves one of my awards. I'll give it to you A.S.A.P! ^_~

Marianne - 07/27/99 21:15:56
My URL:http://leden.tref.nl/~rynsburg
My Email:JEyre@planetaccess.com

You have a great page, I love the graphics!!


jane - 07/27/99 18:43:24
My URL:http://hometown.aol.com/mooniejany/page4/index.htm
My Email:Fallenjane@Aol.com
Favorite Sailor Scout: pluto
Favorite Sailor Moon Character: molly

cool page keep it real

Aubri Juliet Shadowmoon aka Sailor Archer - 07/25/99 13:52:16
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Tokyo/Teahouse/9037/
My Email:sailorarcher99@usa.net
Favorite Sailor Scout: Sailor Galaxia
Favorite Sailor Moon Character: Serena

You asked me for my Gold/Superior award. Well, I can't give it to you yet. Not only is my server screwing up, but you need to finish a little bit more on this site (i.e the villians page, fanart, maybe some more images). Write me back when you finish and f my computer begins working again you will have the award!

Sailor Io - 07/25/99 02:21:57
My URL:http://fly.to/sailorio
My Email:sailorio@usa.net
Favorite Sailor Scout: Venus
Favorite Sailor Moon Character: Minako

Wow, your page is VERY cute! I love the game graphics! Thanks for signing my guestbook, hope you keep up the good work! ^_^ Sailor Io

Stacey - 07/25/99 00:12:42
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/de/PinkPlace/index.html
My Email:ButterflySky2000@yahoo.com
Favorite Sailor Scout: Sailor Chibimoon
Favorite Sailor Moon Character: Black Lady

Your page is very cool and very excellent.I really like the your page looks.Keep up the excellent work.Bye bye '¿~

Eternal Sailor Moon - 07/23/99 22:42:18
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/ns/sailorscout/
My Email:danam.macsween@ns.sympatico.ca
Favorite Sailor Scout: Eternal Sailor Moon
Favorite Sailor Moon Character: Galaxia

I love the layout of your main page. Well done!

Sailfan - 07/23/99 10:33:43
My URL:http://www.fly.to/ssms
My Email:Sailfan99@mailcity.com
Favorite Sailor Scout: Sailor Moon
Favorite Sailor Moon Character: Endymion (not Darien) :p


You have a lovely layout of your site. please visit mine

Amymone - 07/22/99 02:10:14
My URL:http://members.xoom.com/amymone
My Email:amymone@xoommail.com
Favorite Sailor Scout: Sailor Mercury
Favorite Sailor Moon Character: Molly

A really way cool site! Amymone

Amymone's Sailor Moon Page

Crescentbeam - 07/21/99 23:49:48
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/tokyo/ginza/8280
My Email:crescentbeam_99@yahoo.com
Favorite Sailor Scout: Sailor Venus
Favorite Sailor Moon Character: Sailor V


Lee Ann - 07/21/99 04:38:21
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Tokyo/Shrine/9996
My Email:ducktape@mailcity.com
Favorite Sailor Scout: Sailor Venus
Favorite Sailor Moon Character: Minako

I really liked your page. I can tell from your page that you have worked very hard on it. Your quiz was very challenging, and the background on your openning page is very cute! Keep up the great work.

Brad - 07/21/99 04:35:19
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Area51/Chamber/3516
My Email:badboy768@hotmail.com
Favorite Sailor Scout: Sailor Uranus
Favorite Sailor Moon Character: Tuxedo Mask

You have a great page. It was very informative. I can tell that you have put a lot of work into it.

Sarah - 07/18/99 04:40:28
My URL:http://www.geocities.com:80/SouthBeach/Channel/4692/myhomepage.html
My Email:makotkino69@hotmail.com
Favorite Sailor Scout: Jupiter
Favorite Sailor Moon Character: Lita

hey, cool page. i hope ya visit mine

jenn - 07/15/99 22:07:07
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/tokyo/springs/7019/
My Email:emmafrost_1@hotmail.com
Favorite Sailor Scout: uranus
Favorite Sailor Moon Character: haruka

super-kawaii site! awesome graphics ^_^ arigatou!

Madeline - 07/15/99 19:50:08
My URL:http://www.ptw.com/~tlmull/
My Email:maddymoon86@hotmail.com
Favorite Sailor Scout: Mars&Moon
Favorite Sailor Moon Character: Gota be Chad

Your site is just great!! The background is ssoooo cute!!! come to mine only I have (Serena like crying!) Thanks! Bye!(:

dodo - 07/14/99 01:52:09
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/de/dodobin/enter.html
My Email:dodo_zhang@yahoo.com
Favorite Sailor Moon Character: chibiusa

hey, your site looks so neat. the sailor pluto you adopted attracts me so much. i can't wait to adopt it myself *hehe* don't forget to visit me! hugz!

JupiterPrincess84 - 07/13/99 01:48:25
My URL:http://home.talkcity.com/DriversEdDr/jupiterprincess84/
My Email:webmaster@jupiterprincess.zzn.com
Favorite Sailor Scout: Sailor Jupiter
Favorite Sailor Moon Character: Makoto

I love your site, it is so cute! I think your site rocks!!

Ureeny - 07/11/99 17:01:53
My URL:/Tokyo/Fuji/2248/
My Email:l_lsagi@hotmail.com
Favorite Sailor Scout: Sailormoon
Favorite Sailor Moon Character: Fish-eye

Your page is great! I love your web graphics and format ;-)

Please visit my webpage and sign my guestbook. Thank you for joining SMAE.

P.S. If anyone who reads this has a suggestion for a new name for my website, please e*mail me at l_lsagi@hotmail.com.

Natalie - 07/10/99 04:21:32
My URL:http://member.aol.com/NNK1085/
Favorite Sailor Scout: Sailor Saturn
Favorite Sailor Moon Character: TuxMask

Cute Page and cool layout! You have done a good job! This is my page please visit it and sign my GBook. Bye!

Will Giacofci - 07/07/99 13:22:25
My URL:/Tokyo/Subway/6904/welcome.html
My Email:wgiacofci@mailcity.com
Favorite Sailor Scout: Mercury
Favorite Sailor Moon Character: Ami

I loved your site's layout! So come visit mine for a chance to have your banner on my page for an entire month!


Sailor Sun - 07/06/99 18:29:54
My URL:/Tokyo/Palace/7276/
My Email:sailorsun2@hotmail.com
Favorite Sailor Scout: I luv them all but i'd say Venus, Moon, and Mars
Favorite Sailor Moon Character: Minako, Usagi, Rei

Hey! You have a really cool page. I like it alot. Cutey bg I have that one too. Thanks for signing my guestbook! You should apply for an award at my page. It's has a whole new look to it! Visit if you get a chance. Keep up the good work!

The Sailor Senshi's Cafe!

Sailor Sun - 07/06/99 18:25:08
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Tokyo/Palace/7276/
My Email:sailorsun2@hotmail.com
Favorite Sailor Scout: Luv them all but especially Venus,Moon,and Mars
Favorite Sailor Moon Character: Minako,Usagi, Rei

Hey! You have a really cool page. I like it alot. Cutey bg I have that one too. Thanks for signing my guestbook! You should apply for an award at my page. It's has a whole new look to it! Visit if you get a chance. Keep up the good work!

The Sailor Senshi's Cafe!

David Grohmann - 07/04/99 20:23:06
My URL:http://www.freeyellow.com/members4/bodasivrak/
My Email:Dave13g@aol.com

Hey great site!! if you like Starwars visit mine or visit my humor site The Starry Asylum or visit my Dragon Lance site The Moldy Griffon

Hoss - 07/04/99 02:59:35
My URL:http://members.tripod.com/hoss21
My Email:Adventur18@aol.com
Favorite Sailor Scout: Tuxedo Mask
Favorite Sailor Moon Character: Sailor Jupiter

Hello :) I was just surfing through and thought I'd tell you I was here. I really enjoyed visiting your site and it is very likely I will return. Your site is very well designed and looks great. Stop by my site sometime if you get a chance... it recen ly opened on July 2. Happy Surfing !! ~Hoss

SarahDraven - 07/02/99 21:38:19
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/pq/darkway
My Email:Jaina77@hotmail.com
Favorite Sailor Scout: Sailor Moon
Favorite Sailor Moon Character: Darien

your page is so Adorable! Keep up the great work. ~@(^_^)@~

Rachael - 07/02/99 05:30:15
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/la/jupiter/index.html
My Email:sailor_moon98@hotmail.com
Favorite Sailor Scout: sailor moon
Favorite Sailor Moon Character: tin nyanko

Thanks for signing up for an award. I'll get it to you as soon as possible. Come to my page again!

Serena - 06/30/99 14:49:54
My URL:http://fly.to/guardian_cats
My Email:leo_the_lioness@hotmail.com
Favorite Sailor Scout: Sailor Uranus
Favorite Sailor Moon Character: Sailor Uranus

Awesome site so far. I like the shrines :D Thanks for visiting my site, bye-bye ^-^

Cute Sweet Pink Sugar Bear - 06/30/99 02:39:40
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/de/PinkPlace/index.html
My Email:ButterflySky2000@yahoo.com
Favorite Sailor Scout: Sailor Chibi Moon
Favorite Sailor Moon Character: Black Lady

Excellent page.It is cute.keep up the excellent work.!!! =^_^= Bye bye*

Annie - 06/29/99 13:50:29
My Email:
Favorite Sailor Scout: Sailor Uranus (ha-ha)
Favorite Sailor Moon Character: Sailor Uranus (tee-hee)

Haha aren't i funny kristen!!!!!

Annie - 06/28/99 17:02:19
My Email:eliza246@aol.com
Favorite Sailor Scout: um, no????
Favorite Sailor Moon Character: uh sailor moon i guess


Charm - 06/28/99 15:25:30
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Hollywood/Highrise/6535/index.html
My Email:charmed@gurlmail.com

Hey there! Thanks for signing my guestbook! I think you have a really cute site going on here. Keep up your good work! C you around ^_-

mbh usako - 06/27/99 23:43:22
My URL:/Tokyo/Shrine/7622/
My Email:mbhusako@hotmail.com
Favorite Sailor Scout: Moon
Favorite Sailor Moon Character: Tuxedo Kamen O_o

Thanks for signing my guestbook your page is very nice...keep up the good work

Ja ne
MBH Usako

Elise - 06/27/99 16:32:28
My Email:Goga89@aol.com
Favorite Sailor Scout: ???????
Favorite Sailor Moon Character: ????????

Is this Your Page Smartass? If this is then u wont b offended by me calling u a smartass but if not the u wont get it. Have fun at school and dont forget ur rubin alcahol!!!!!!! <3 Delinquent

Olivia - 06/16/99 20:42:23
My URL:/tokyo/field/6948/
My Email:MRodri8308@aol.com
Favorite Sailor Scout: Sailor Moon
Favorite Sailor Moon Character: Serena Kinda one sided hu

hey I think your page is really cute and I like it alot thanks for joining my webring and and and and and and well thats it talk to ya later
Sailor Moon's Garden

Aimee - 06/15/99 23:46:27
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Tokyo/Springs/3062/SailorMercur.html
My Email:asmshost@mercuryfan.zzn.com
Favorite Sailor Scout: Mercury

Hey there~! I can't beleive your site is only about a week old! Very Kawaii. You know how you said my site looked professional, well it took 5 tries to look like that! Thanks and keep up the wonderful work. *^_^*

SecretApples - 06/14/99 00:52:17
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Tokyo/Springs/5010
My Email:sailorsecretapples@moonie.zzn.com
Favorite Sailor Scout: Sailor Moon, Jupiter, Saturn, and Neptune
Favorite Sailor Moon Character: Same as above

Your site is so good for only being a week old!! My site wasn't even half this good when it was a week old! You have a wonderful start and keep up the fantastic work!

Marzi - 06/12/99 01:37:17
My URL:http://um i forgot.com
My Email:Statikgerl@aol.com, Marzipan11@aol.com
Favorite Sailor Scout: Sailor Venus
Favorite Sailor Moon Character: Tuxedo Mask or Renee

Your page is fantastic...now i'm jealous!...UGH, and I'll never be able to make a page as good as this. Oh well, maybe I'll die trying. We'll see. Well, again I love your page!

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