Welcome to the XaoZitec Mountains.  An incursion of the most primal and esoteric chaos in to this the material plane and RPG.
Not a true range of mountains but actualy created by a chaos-infused fungus. They radiat outward in a perfect circle and grow slowly over time, but extremely fast by a geological standpoint. Things in these mountain ranges are surreal to overwhelming crazy.  All manner of nonsensical beasts and forces grow and reside there. People who go there do not often come back or come back changed in some hideous way. In the dead center of the mountain range time, space and reality it self break down and become fluid.  It is possible for entities of extreme power to use these areas of pure chaos to travel through planes, worlds, and even time-streams. It is for this reason that many scholars theorize the XaoZitec Mountains originated as a great elder races attempt at interdimensional travel that was overwhelmed by the chaotic forces involved.
The exact nature of the XaoZitecs is determined by the world it is infecting.
In a world of high magic levels, such as those filled with dragons and wizards and brave heroes, it will be a hellswept place of apocalyptic proportions. Huge demon beasts, mosters of the id and mutant godlings will lord over the twisted peaks and lava streams, devouring the souls of the lawbringers, while all manner of ungodly spawn spill out in to the unsuspecting world to wreak havoc and atrocities.
In a world of little or almost no magic The XaoZitecs will be an enchanted fairy land and, though not the safest place to live, will be a mecca for the rare enchanted and mystical individuals, as well as just free thinkers and weirdo crazies who will all become enchanted and mystical after living there. Like if Woodstock never ended and everyone's having the same acid trip, dude. Theres usually a fifty/fifty chance of them creating a paradise utopia of hippy freedom and love or getting slaughtered outright, nuked if at all possible.
In a truly manna-dead world the XaoZitecs will merely emit a strange radioactivty and an oddly colored glow visible for miles at night. These chaos rays cause bizzare and impossible mutations in those exposed to it as well as insanity, enlightenment, or a sexual breakdown of wanton promiscuity and perversion, depending on the mind of the individual.  These physical and mental mutations will actually be contagious and form in various radioactive virii, retrovirii, bacteria, and fungi traveling through a thousand different infection vectors.  In time the world will become a sea of protean flesh, a holocaust of freedom, with perhaps a scant few survivors fleeing in to space.
Hopefully this page will expand and evolve in the fullness of time. But for now here's the few table scraps we have done. Whip me.  
This is the PC party. Or at least part of it. Note that these images are blantantly stolen from god's know where. Go ahead and sue me, I'll gnaw your fucking eyes out and kill you badly, you slimy fuckers. These characters are currently in FUDGE format. I had heard of fudge but never seen ot. When we downloaded we though it was interesting. But when we saw fudge OZ and fudge transformers we were sooo sold.  We downloaded the five point introductory system and gave birth to these fine souls.  I grew up playing toon and grew in to Over The Edge, which makes FUDGE seem clunky, so our style tends to be a little out there. Actually a LOT out ther, like a heaping fuck lot. I'm drunken more than a f5th of gin so forgive my grammar.
Daggoth the Rotting An Evil Lawyer of the Dead!
Hans A Sassy Male Child Prostitue   
Sir Darwin O'Lysses A Monkey Knight Errant
And here are some Big Eye, Small Mouth Characters. In Big Eyes, Small Mouth the Xaozitecs ar essentially the same but with a higher degree of sudden kung-fu action.  Also the Place of Roads draws in a MUCH more eclectic variety of creatures. And sometimes we actually play it. But just sometimes.
Droja of Sporg, grand high elementalist of the Orange Fuzzy-Tree forest
Not to mention that mass of complex insanity they call Mr. Gurps.  Here the Xaozitecs are just fuckin loony, a cartoon acid trip where humour is inescapable but people still die like fruit flies caught in a crossfire. Why, oh why, hasn't their been a GURPS: Paranoia?
Foofwyr, Sacred Mascot of the Royal Halls of Fnork (sorry no picture)
Crime-Fighter is my very first Unknown Armies character and a willfull attempt to subvert the feel and tone of the game.
I have discovereered a all new gaming systmem that is stylisticly and numericly superior to all others. This ultimate god--esque rpg systemn is
and can be downloaded here in zip format for no charge or surcharge. I will start work on converting all of my characters and settings in to this great new thing immediatley and hope to have them done by third quarter, 2012.  We hold the only copyright to this intellectual property and would gladly sue the authors and legal owners of this thing. F.A.T.A.L. is being stored here for historical resons only, to insure that the world never forgets the mistakes of the past, and any attempts to actually run or play it may result in maddness, death, and the unleashing of many ancient evils that will sweep through the unprepared world like a firestorm. you have been warned.
F.A.T.A.L. by Byron Hall
Keywords: traditional fantasy long
"Fantasy Adventure To Adult Lechery". A highly detailed fantasy system. It has 5 core attributes with 20 sub-attributes. Tables for each sub-attribute detail everything from Enunciation to Bust Size. Action resolution uses skill plus d100 vs difficulty. Character creation is random-roll attributes. ~500 pages rules (PDF).
From :    "fatalgames@excite.com" <fatalgames@excite.com>     
To :  Not Jordan Goetz <fuckcrapmccunthol@h***.com>  
Subject :   
RE: I am your biggest fan 
Date :    Wed, 23 Jan 2002 19:54:41 -0500 (EST)  
Cool. Definitely trolls. We like the game a lot, too. That's too bad you are incapable of rolling up a character. Your download is old news, but it is gratifying to know that almost 100 have downloaded this incredibly out-of-date version. We think you need to update. If you want to sue us, you're doing a poor job. BWAHAHAHA! Personally, we hope no one ever forgets F.A.T.A.L. either, and that playing it does indeed unleash ancient evils. Damn, that would be cool. Down with faggit-rpgs! Long live us.

Fatal Games www.fatalgames.com/  Where The Dice Never Lie