- Conjureman's Hearth.
- A web site of a friend of mine.
Has stuff on Wiccanism and Call of Cthulu. I imagine there'll be Roxette links up soon also.
- Derby Eating.
- The only guide to eating out in Derby. (coming soon!).
- Solitairs Circle.
- Links to a multitude of Wiccan sites around the globe. I'd put up my favourites but
there's too many to list
- The Occult.
- Here is the search engine of choice to sites that are occult
in nature. Not for the faint hearted.
- The Tremere Virtual Chantry.
- My first and favourite Vampire Clan was the devious Tremere so here is a good site for all you fellow Warlocks. Scientia est Potentia.
- Vinee's Home Page,
- Visit my mates web page and see pictures of loads of my friends. Go on.....He also has loads of links to snappy flash sites aswell.
- Go here and help feed the hungry.It's a worthy cause and costs you nothing.
- Go here and save Trees for free. It's a worthy cause and costs you nothing.
If you want you can go back to my home page.
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