
Even though the cartoon came out before the books, I stick by the fact that books make the series more together and not as choppy. They explain things that the cartoon never did. A good example of this is the SDF-2 during Khyron's suicide run. In the cartoon, the SDF-2 (or at least the bridge) is about to explode. So Lisa and the bunch run down a corridor on to the bridge of the SDF-1.

In a following scene, they show the SDF-1. No SDF-2 or even anything looking like a ship connected to the SDF-1's bridge or the SDF-1 for that matter.

What's wrong with this picture?

I feel that this shows why the books show much more continuity and common sense than the cartoon. Now don't get to thinking that I hate the cartoons, I just like the books more.

The series' Macross II, Macross 7, and Macross Plus have NOTHING to do with the beloved Macross/Robotech. I believe they're crazy spoofs that are stupid. You can tell me otherwise, but Macross/Robotech is the original.

Here's an interesting fact:

My friend and I were quite angry with Cartoon Network's lineup at the time (which was Thundercats, Voltron, and then those cheesy cartoons like Birdman). So, we decided to send in a letter requesting they put on Robotech and some other shows that we liked. Well, atleast they put on Robotech. I'm not taking credit for Robotech being put back on the air, as I'm sure many of you sent in letters too, but that certaily is cool!

Also, I got a reply from Cartoon Network after sending an e-mail concerning why they didn't put the Invid Invasion series on. They said when they were buying the rights to show the series, they could only get the Macross and Southern Cross series right then. So they decided to have some of the series instead of none at all. I guess I agree with them. They also said they were trying to get the rights to Invid Invasion, so we'll wait and see...

Episode Guide

If by some chance Carl macek is visiting my page, please click here for my input regarding Robotech: Odyssey.

Here's a link to where you can find most of the Robotech series (minus Sentinels) on tape.