If you have any comments about my site, want to say hello or think you have something important to say (or whatever) - place a message in this guestbook.

nightwalkers - 10/31/00 13:48:13
My URL:http://myweb.ecomplanet/nigh9009/
My Email:night_walker@another.com
we are the nightwalkers you cannot understand, you are not a nightwalker.

Dark Judge - 03/17/00 12:14:01
My Email:Ravenous@poczta.onet.pl
Army: Firstborn
Good job great site

Joshua Rubisch - 02/22/00 04:59:18
Army: firstborn,devout,&dwarven
firstborn is awsome

Prankster - 10/31/99 16:10:55
My URL:http://www.unseen-university88.freeserve.co.uk
My Email:Visit The Site For That
Army: Chronopia Elves (Just Started)
Nice site.

Dave Melville - 07/20/99 00:36:38
My Email:NIN-101@webtv.net
Army: Brotherhood/Stygian
I Was cruzing through the WARZONE & Chronopia sites & noticed your page. Im impressed with your players list,COOL IDEA !!! I think your the only person who has made a list like this. Its cool that i can now E other players all over the world with out havi g to send a serch. Now i can get GLOBEL advice on my army tactics....Good Work

john patch - 07/11/99 19:08:27
My Email:adar.the.dark@worldnet.att.net
Army: The Devout
Greetings from adar of the dusk realms... you shall be soon in the service of the devout!!

Cameron - 06/03/99 04:01:52
My Email:Cameron_X@Hotmail.com
Army: Sons of Kronos, Dwarf, Devout, Blackblood, Firstborn
Sorry about that didn't know if u should put all armies in. That cost me a fortune.

Cameron - 06/03/99 03:59:53
My Email:Cameron_X@Hotmail.com
Army: Sons of Kronos
Cool sight. Get some swamp goblin pictures and more stories

Magua - 03/22/99 02:00:21
My Email:Danihl@netscape.net
Army: Firstborn , Sons of Kronos
Great page Nightwalker Ezekiel All i can say is keep up the good work. Magua

Harley - 01/30/99 19:59:17
My Email:Rusah@aol.com
Army: Firstborn, SoK, Dwarves
How's it going?

Joonas Hall - 11/28/98 11:53:57
My Email:Badman85@hotmail.com
Army: Devout, Cybertronic, Capitol.
This is a good site!

10/15/98 09:23:42
Name: Bad Bunny My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me

Just surfing. Thanks.

Cindy - 09/23/98 05:45:41
My URL:http://www.zecrets.com/users/cindy
My Email:cinth@usa.net
comment: Nice page.... please come visit my site :-) Thanks, Cindy

Snorre S. Angstroem - 09/15/98 14:32:10
My URL:http://come.to/praha
My Email:angstroem@gmx.net
Army: Männer von Flake
I really like your "TITANIC - The greatest love film ever" banner on your page. It fits great.

Kara Townsend - 07/02/98 05:53:15
My URL:http://www.dynamicSex.com
My Email:dwebmistress@yahoo.com

Hi! I was surfing through GeoCities and saw your page. Pretty Cool! My name is Kara. I am 24 years old and live in San Diego, CA. I have been teaching myself HTML for the last several months. Please visit my site, Kara s dynamicSex and tell me what you think of it. I will be adding pictures of myself within the next couple days. I would love to exchange links with you!

Murdok - 06/22/98 21:21:04
My Email:rsreagin@mylink.net
Army: to be determined
Hey Zeke, just wanted to thank you for your advice on Target's Chronopia Forum. You have a nice start on this site, can't wait to see more. As a matter of fact I had already visited this site before you responded to my post and plugged your site. Keep up he good work and thanks again.

Xen - 06/22/98 20:24:31
My Email:xen3@hotmail.com
Army: All

Chronomancer - 06/19/98 00:29:57
My Email:chronomancer@home.com
Army: Firstborn & Sons of Kronos
Cool story, but I bet You've written more than just that one. Lets have, I know u got some more!

Snorre S. Angstroem - 06/18/98 12:26:15
My Email:angstroem@gmx.net
Army: Männer von Flaake
Tja, du hast doch nicht geglaubt, ich verschon deine Seite, Oder? Aber ich werde von Sessions absehen. Dein Glück!

Chieftain angus - 06/17/98 08:55:42
My Email:troym456@aol.com
Army: firstborn/imperial
i emailed my groups id to you for addition to your player list feel free to put us on. thanks for the service, chrono is amazing. I just got into the game 3 weeks ago and have already decided to sell the 4 thousand dollar plus warhammer fantasy collection i have amassed over the past year. Keep the faith!!!

Chieftain angus - 06/17/98 08:54:50
My Email:troym456@aol.com
Army: firstborn/imperial
i emailed my groups id to you for addition to your player list feel free to put us on. thanks for the service, chrono is amazing. I just got into the game 3 weeks ago and have already decided to sell the 4 thousand dollar plus warhammer fantasy collection i have amassed over the past year. Keep the faith!!!

Schurli - 06/15/98 16:39:33
My Email:weiß ich nicht auswendig,liefere ich nach
Army: Warhammer dwarfs
May the Shadows die, and the Worlones with them, and the Centauri, and the Minbari, and the Dark Elves, and the Undead (die?), and the Chaos Dwarfs, and the Skaven, and the Jem Haddar, and... by the way, nice homepage

Mariechen - 06/14/98 20:23:22
My URL:/SouthBeach/Docks/1019
My Email:mgann@hotmail.com
Hi! Tolle HP! Bin stark beeindruckt, obwohl mich diese Dinge weder interessieren, noch kenn ich mich dabei aus..viel Glück weiterhin

Nightwalker Ezekiel - 06/14/98 14:40:22
My Email:emmail@EUnet.at
Army: Firstborn; Devout
Just a first test. Seems to work.

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