1st Annual Online Masquerade Ball

The first annual online masquerade ball went without a hitch. From 12 pm to 1 am, scores of curious, amusing and interesting characters were in attendance, from the starkness of "Azreal saintsinner fatebreaker", to the comic relief of 'Wally, Pimp Cat of Az'.

As was mentioned, at the 13th hour something rather surprising occurred. What? You'll have to attend that next ball to find out won't you? Or, you may aqquire a transcript of the last hour from myself by email request.

Due to the success of the event, we plan to create a second ball not next year, but rather in about six months.

Once again, a great time was had by all, and many thanks to Christine for her immense help, and my friends for attending loyally. I couldn't have done it without you.

Thank-You to All In Attendance

Comments to: king_jareth@hotmail.com, or my assisting co-ordinator Christine lestat_erik@hotmail.com.