Bug of the Week
Strength Boost Bug
This strength bug can get you to gain over 40 points of strength in 1 night. In order to do this you must have a program called EZ Macro's; if you dont have it email me and ill tell you where to get it.
Follow the Steps:
Requires: 1 wooden board, 1 saw or nails
- Open up EZ macro's and have your backpack open with the wooden board and saw
- Press Record, Now when you push record double click the saw then click on the piece of wood; If you are successfull you should see a selection window come up, right click it canceling it. Even if you fail just click the upper left of the screen thats where the selection window appears.
- You will gain carpentary skill but since you are right clicking the window(canceling it) no supplies are wasted.
- After doing this stop recording and press play to make sure its working correctly.
- Now leave the macro on overnight
- Wake up in the morning and you should have gained about 40 to 50 str =)
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