Name Philip Neil Warnes


Present Position: Geologist


Present Employer: Institute of Geological and Nuclear Sciences Ltd

(hereby abbreviated as GNS),

69A Gracefield Road, P O Box 30-368, Lower Hutt,

New Zealand.

Phone: 64-4-5701444, Fax: 64-4-5690600

Years with firm 7 years


Nationality: New Zealand


Academic Qualifications

1981-84 Victoria University of Wellington, New Zealand BSc (Geology & Geography)

1987-89 Victoria University of Wellington, New Zealand MSc (Geology)

Thesis: The Quaternary Geology of the Central Wairarapa Valley east of Carterton,

New Zealand.





* Masters Degree (Victoria University) in Quaternary Geology

(Thesis area in the Wairarapa Valley).

* Ability to write clear and accurate reports

* Computer skills in Microsoft Office software and some mainframe software

Geographic Information Systems (GIS): MapInfo, Techbase

* Excellent research skills

* Cartographic (map making) skills

* Good problem solving skills

* Attention to detail

* Excellent health - physically fit

* Familiarity with techniques in mass spectrometry and sample preparation.

* Highly trained observation skills (especially in the field)


Key Experience

My thesis work was centred around mapping alluvial terraces in the central Wairarapa Valley east of Carterton using a variety of techniques in order to determine the peloeclimatic and paleogeographic history of the area, the structure of several broad anticlines and synclines in the study area and their rates of deformation. A subsequent paper expanded this work to an area further south (between Lake Wairarapa and Martinbouough).

My experience with GNS includes the maintenance of the Mineral Resources databases in a Geographic Information System (MapInfo), with responsibilities including data entry, checking, digitising of data points, documentation and map production. REGCHEM (REGional exploration geoCHEMistry), a database of stream sediment analyses undertaken by mining companies during their prospecting activities, is a relational database that resides in Microsoft Access. MapInfo was used to present REGCHEM data as part of the Hauraki Andesite Rhyolite Epithermal Mineralisation (HAREM) project to develop models for epithermal gold mineralisation. Also managed the GERM database (GEological Resource Map of New Zealand), an inventory of New Zealand's geological resources and the MINLIT database, a bibliographic database.

Other GNS experience included laboratory work involving the extraction of carbon dioxide gas from carbonate rocks for stable (oxygen and carbon) isotope analyses, and the preparation of water samples and their analyses using a mass spectrometer for their ratio of deuterium (heavy hydrogen) to hydrogen. Samples were also prepared for various dating methods (Ar/Ar, K/Ar, U/Pb), including mineral separation work, and for XRF analysis. I also curated the National Petrology Hand Specimen Collection.

I assisted in field operations at GNS in both Coromandel and Marlborough. Fieldwork in Marlborough was for a mineral deposit research project examining mesothermal gold deposits at Wakamarina, which included assistance in detailed mapping and sampling within the Wakamarina Valley, both on the surface and in underground mine workings. The Coromandel fieldwork involved similar duties for an ongoing project to understand the genesis of epithermal gold mineralisation.

Between 1992 and 1993 I was involved in two community task force projects (voluntary unpaid work). The first was with the Department of Conservation, where I compiled an annotated bibliography on waste water disposal methods (published by the Department of Conservation). The second project was with the Wellington Maritime Museum, which involved archive work, undertaking genealogical research enquiries and writing a catalogue of ships plans held by the museum.

Field geology experience with L & M Mining and Fletcher Challenge Ltd included mapping, organising sampling operations, management of electronic databases and report writing.

I hold a current drivers licence (car).


Experience Record

1985-1986 Contract Field Geologist, New Business Division, Fletcher Challenge Ltd, Chatham Islands

1990 Contract Field geologist, L & M Mining Ltd, Central Otago

1990-1993 NZ Post (part time), Postal assistant (morning) and ran the Business Mail Centre (evening)

1992 Research Assistant (part time), Department of Conservation

1992-1993 Museum Assistant (part time), Wellington Maritime Museum

1993-present Science Technician - Geologist (currently in Mass Spectrometry and Minerals), Institute of Geological and Nuclear Sciences Limited




Model ships


Rock collecting




Phoenix Astronomical Society

Toastmasters International (vice-president of Lunchbreakers Club, Lower Hutt)

Hutt Valley Tramping Club



Recent Papers


Warnes, P., Orchiston, W., Englert, P. 1998 A reported tektite transported from Australia and found at Gabriel's Gully mining camp, Central Otago, New Zealand. Journal of the Royal Society of New Zealand

Vucetich, C.G., Vella, P. and Warnes, P.N. 1996: Antepenultimate glacial to last glacial deposits in southern Wairarapa, New Zealand. Journal of the Royal Society of New Zealand 26(4)

Warnes, P.N.; Christie, A.B. 1995: Regional stream sediment geochemistry database (REGCHEM) for selected regions of New Zealand. Pacrim Congress 1995, Australasian Institute of Mining and Metallurgy Publication Series 9/95

Warnes, P.N.; Christie, A.B. 1994: GEOEXPL user documentation. Institute of Geological and Nuclear Sciences science report 94/16, 70p

Warnes, P.N.; Christie, A.B. 1994b: REGCHEM (Regional Geochemistry). Proceedings of the 28th annual conference 1994, New Zealand Branch of the Australasian Institute of Mining and Metallurgy, p. 223. (Abstract).

Warnes, P.N. 1993: Alternative wastewater disposal methods. New Zealand Department of Conservation internal report No. 136, 75p

Warnes, P.N. 1992: Last interglacial and last glacial stage terraces on the eastern side of Wairarapa Valley between Waiohine and Waingawa Rivers. Journal of the Royal Society of New Zealand, 22(4), pp 217-228





(1) Anthony (Tony) Christie

Geologist (Minerals Programme)

Institute of Geological and Nuclear Sciences

P O Box 30396, Lower Hutt, New Zealand

Phone 04 570 1444


(2) Peter (C.P.) Wood

Section Manager

Institute of Geological and Nuclear Sciences

P O Box 30396, Lower Hutt, New Zealand

Phone 04 570 1444


(4) Karyne Rogers

Mass Spectromerty Team Leader

Institute of Geological and Nuclear Sciences

P O Box 30396, Lower Hutt, New Zealand

Phone 04 570 1444


(4) Dick (Richard) Beetham

former Toastmaster Club President

c/o Institute of Geological and Nuclear Sciences

P O Box 30396, Lower Hutt, New Zealand

Phone 04 570 4850




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