FSpace Characters

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From 1991 to 1996 I was a playtesting gamer of the FSpace Roleplaying Game. This page contains some of my characters featured during those games. These descriptions are considered canon by the game developers, and were included in the KAPCON 1995 edition.


Roger MacDonald

Nationality: Mars

Age: 32

Occupation: Engineer

STATS: 64-61-82-73

Skills: Electrical-E2, Robotics-E2, Structural-E2, Computer-R, Draconian-R, Gun-R

Sees himself as a Scotsman in exile. He was not born in Scotland, but is very concous of his Scottish ancestry. He likes all things Scottish including bagpipes, haggis, caber tossing, haggis tossing and speaking Gallic.

Roger enjoys the odd bit of scotch occasionally and would like to one day build his own scotch synthesizer that will manufacture scotch whiskey more real than the real macoy.

Roger's life has been as an engineer and this is the only life that he wants to live. This is reflected in a strong pragmatic aspect in his character. He also has strong desire for adventure and a life out amongst the stars. His best means of obtaining this was, of course to become the engineer on board a star/spaceship.

You will generally see him about with a multi-tool of some description in one hand and a bag with various bits and pieces. He is in his element when he is putting something together (often involves pulling it apart first).


Vile de Balls

Nationality: French

Age: 29

Occupation: Doctor of Physics

STATS: 40-25-94-55

Skills: Physics-E3, Sensors-E1, Maths-Q, Andorian-R

Vile de Balls from his outward appearance is your typical arrogant, pompous Frenchman. However, once you get to know him he is a really nice guy. Vile de Balls worships mathematics and physics as the ultimate power tools, which he can use to unravel the mysteries of the universe. The universe is an immense laboratory with laws of physics waiting to be cracked open, understood, and of course, maybe there are alternative strategies waiting to be found.

Vile has a passion for classical french music. He often wears a mini headpiece which will play his favourite music. He believes that this music enhances his intellectual and mathematical prowess.

Vile's desperate need to understand the universe has lead to his career in outer space. Here he is, in amongst this great laboratory of his, all his to explore and reduce to a pile of equations.

Vile de Balls has a propensity for learning languages. He is always interested in learning about new cultures, how they interact and communicate. Like for example, do they follow the same basic sets of rules that we use, or do they use something different. Are they really alternatives? Are they more or less efficient? Vile has very much an enquiring mind and always enjoys the challenge that these questions pose.

One interesting quirk in Vile's character is his tendency for excess. If someone suggests that there is going to be some adventuring, he will turn up with the kitchen sink!


Xaxxus Jarry

Nationality: American

Age: 44

Occupation: Captain USAN Pilot

STATS: 70-85-95-65

Skills: Computer-E2, Leader-E2, Pilot-E2, Tactics-E2, Gun-E1, Grav-ops-Q,


Xaxxus is your typical die-harder top gun pilot. Xaxxus is good at piloting and wants to always be the best - the top gun. However he's been constantly outclassed by the likes of Martyn Bremner and John Dorn.

He is interested in tactics, and the art of war. Sun Tsu is often quoted as being one of his greatest inspirations. He also draws upon the strategies of many of the great battles in history. Xaxxus is always trying to make improvements to the art of conducting warfare - cute tactics, more elaborate schemes, twisted plots - often so convoluted that not even he fully understands them!

How to keep ahead of the enemy, to stay one step ahead, to always be the best, to get in first. Xaxxus does not like to loose. If he gets his butt kicked he will fight harder with much more resolve. Then to analyse why things went wrong and what corrections are needed to enhance the next operation.

Xaxxus is good with a gun. Xaxxus' gun is his best friend. Like a good woman it accompanies him everywhere, and he is always seen wearing it and will spend much of his time training to improve his aim. Hit first, hit hardest; if your not fast you're last.

Managing people is also important to Xaxxus. To him a good team operates efficiently and gets things done. The sound of a good team is like music, everyone operating together in harmony. He will often listen to audio recordings of missions as a form of relaxation as they sound to him just like music. They also help him to analyse and crystalise new plans.



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