
I have had a long standing interest in navel history and naval wargamming. Since the early 1980's a number people here in Wellington, New Zealand have been playing naval wargames for a number of periods - from the ancinet period through to the modern era. One of tne most pleasing things about naval wargaming is that it is relatively easy for me to make my own models ships that we play with. All of the models shown here were made at 1:3000 scale. Wargamers play with a vast range of scales, however this scale allows me to produce ships with a fair amount of detail and yet still be small enough for a fair number of them to be placed on the table in a fleet action.

Here is a photo of a submarine that is on display at Pearl Harbour. I took this photo in Easter, 1997 during a visit to Hawaii.

World War 1 Naval Minatures

This is a photo of the British battleship Queen Elizibeth as she appeared early in World War One. In World War one she was one of Great Britain's premier battleships. This particular model is about 6cm long. All other models shown on this page are of a similar length.

These three ships are from the Japannese navy. In the foreground is the battleship Nagato as she appeared shortly after she was completed (in the early 1920's). Behind and to the right is her sister ship, the Mutsu. The Nagato and Mutsu were each armed with eight sixteen inch guns. In the top left corner is the Ibuki, a second rate battlecruser (less well armed and slower than most other WWI battlecrusiers).

The Japanese battlecrusier Ibuki, with the Nagato and Mutsu in the background. The Ibuki was armed with only four twelve inch guns, much fewer than most other WWI battlecrusiers. She was used in the earlier part of World War One to hunt Admiral Spee's squadron while it was still in the Pacific. The same ship also visited New Zealand. There is a large scale model of this ship on display in the Wellington Maritime Museum. This museum is located on Queen's Wharf, Wellington, New Zealand.

Several British battleships are shown steeming into action. This was taken during a wargame that we played in March, 1999. At the front are several units of the Queen Elizibeth class, each armed with eight fifteen inch guns.

Two British "R" class battleships. They were completed during World War One and were armed with eight fifteen inch guns. Behind them are a couple of British "M" class destroyers. They were the standard destroyer design that was used by the British during WWI




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