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National Earthquake Information Center

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European Space Agency

Coast to Coast AM

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to read a brief explanation of the books Projeto Terra published by Prof.
Laércio Fonseca.

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The Laura Lee Show

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Sun's hidden twin stalks
planet Earth

By Jonathan Leake

Temple of Truth and Light

Sea level
Global Sea Level and
Climate Shift Changes

"There is nothing to do but to BE"

When we are in the "doing" mode, it is mostly the ego that is trying to drive the game, whereas when we are in the "being" mode, it is mainly the inner Divine soul that is radiating its all-encompassing frequency of Love which naturally soothes and heals everything and guide us onto the best path of action, the ideal wording and the optimal thinking and feeling.

      "Be the change you want to see in the world."

                    Mahatma Gandhi

Every human being search for something, but no one knows precisely how to define it.

Something that makes him feels his Interior Peace.
In the internal reality of each one, we want to answer simple questions such as:

Who Are We?
Where Do We Come From?
Where Are We Going To?
What Are We Doing Here?

The true understanding does not necessarily flow of a lot of accumulated and orderly knowledge or according to logical patterns, some knowledge, perhaps the essential, has to come out of the intuition.

                            Valter Noronha


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    We are         Alone


Valter Noronha


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The first stars of night are just beginning to appear overhead - jewels ...

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The Illuminati Formula Used to Create an Undetectable Total Mind Controlled Slave.
by  Cisco Wheeler and Fritz Springmeier

"Where Science Fiction And Science Fact Become One"

Welcome to the Bhagavad- Gita online

"The Earth is but one country and mankind its citizens."
Bahá 'u' llá

      Solar X-rays:

Geomagnetic Field


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