South Side Story

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I worked around my place as a building cleaner/handyman for a little off my rent, and when I would look across the street, I would see a woman with redish hair sitting acrross from my place, as I was working or painting whatever I was doing, she would constantly watch me, made me feel a little awkward, instead of staring at me why don't she just come over and say something.


Owner hires a new employee, It was so weird it was as though I seen her, or I knew her from somewhere.

In a fit of rage the psycotic Teacher comes into the kithen, gritting her teeth and growling, I mentioned to the Teacher “wow, you are angry” with deamons in her eyes still gritting her teeth she turns her head to me, in a remake of the Exorcist, she stated, in a sweet little voice, “ Oh no, just a little frustrated, thats all.” I thought to myself, “owww, she a little psycotic, would not want to piss her off'.”

"The teacher was telling someone how her day went being a sub, she told us how she likes to let the class get out of Hand, then without warning she would slam books on her desk, then in in a fit of rage screem at the kids. She stated how the kids would all become very docile, and sit up straight. As with a lot of inadiquite losers, control is why they take the positions they do. personell managers, teachers, and the police. Are the top 3 employment choices which allow employees, to control, other people, and there lives.

When she first started, she seemed like a normal nice woman, she even had manners. after about 1 month/2 months, the teacher started acting strange, she was being overly friendly, but she kept hiding her face from me, if she was standing in front of me, she was looking at my feet. I beleive in the whole time I worked with her, I only ever seen her face, three times. this stuck with me because, it did not seem normal of her.

Ater I overheard the conversation between Rob and the tempter, I noticed the Tempter and the Teacher, were not going out together every time they worked, seemed as there was tension between them.

Seen the Tempter and the Teacher, go into the "Brew Bar." Well thats just too bad. There is no way that any body will ever get me to accociate with him.

Overheard waiter telling grandpa, that the psycotic Teacher did not want to work with me, that is why he has traded her shifts. When the owner came in to work that night, he came into the kitchen, stood at the table and just looked at me while holding his gaze, I didn't say anything, but I did think to myself "What the fuck is his problem?" Maybe what I overheard earlier was true. An ajusted individual, I would guess, would inform the person they are having a problem with, not get other people to harrass them.

Two women passed by my place, on the oposite side of the street one of the women was about 5'4", with dark hair, and the other women seemed about 6' with blond hair, stating the fact, loud enough to hear it that Im the guy that the Psycotic Teacher doesn't want to see. then they raised there voices, "Because he's a fucking asshole." Someone is using other people to stalk me. but I'm still not sure of which one of them it is, well I know up to this point I will never have anything to do with the Teacher.

This teacher must feel I did something to her, now it seems to me as though she is trying to play some game of public humiliation/slander against me, but I know of no reason why. And I'm also not sure whether this is something that she is making up, or is this a game devised by the Tempter.

I guess the "nut" decided I was up to her standards, to work with.

I went to a church meeting in the basement of the church of my babtism, A woman drops her umbrella, I reached over and picked up the umbrella, and handed it to the woman, I just about shit myself, it looked just like the weird sweet acting, redhead I worked with at the restaurant. I got the fuck away from that nut in a hurry, especially after the last treatment.

I kept an incomplete list of all the phone calls I was receiving, where the person would call and set the phone in my ear, one of the numbers I called back was a school in bedford.

I called back another # that called, and a lady answered it acually sounded like a familier voice. I asked the voice well you called this # at 2:00am is there some reason why you would call me, the lady stated that it was late and, could I mind leaving her alone, and that she didn't want to talk about it, then hung up, I was stunned, what the fuck was that bullshit? I looked up the # in the phone book, I decided to go for myself to see what is going on, I went to MacDonalds Restaurant, picked up some breaky. I found the house where the phone call came from, sat across the street, and ate my breakfast. COP. drives up street very slowly, watching me. Other COP drives down the street looking at me, A blue pickup truck pulls into a street across from me, motocycle COP. drives in behind truck, I see back door open in the house that called me, I see psycotic teacher run out the door and run through the back yards, then jumps in truck. Truck drives away, COPs. drive away. Why is this sicko going to other people's homes and then calling me, to hang up in my ear? Just now, I just got myself trapped in her story, and Stupid “Halifax Finest” helped her. Setups like this is why I think she is sick.


Allowed the crack-head to bring psycotic teacher to my place so he could do his thing with her, she stole my keys.

Recieved job at Westin Hotel in Halifax, Psycotic Teacher followed me, psycotic teacher sitting across from hotel on guard rail.

Asked Tim what was going on tonight? He told me it was none of my business. Recieved a phone call at 4:am Tim told me to pick up the phone, person on other end slammed phone in my ear, then I was told it was a teachers convention at the hotel, A man that harrassed me before, At the Moustache starts slamming fist on the counter and giving me dirty looks, he was with Mr. (Lablanc, Nova Scotia Teachers Union), I was told to see the Comptroller, Janice Green. got humiliated by her, told that they did not want someone like me at their hotel, and fired.

On the day I went to pick up my pay, Psycotic Teacher, came out of hotel and got into Bedford police car, picked up paycheck from John, left Johns office. Tim told John he knew the psycotic teacher.


Went to a met and greet meeting with Kim, saw a familiar looking blond about 5"10', but I couldn't place her. When ever I would go near her to introduce myself, she would just turn her head and walk away, couldn,t figure out where I saw her before, but I figurd she had a problem.

Got a subcontract with a person at the meet and greet, told him about the Psycotic Teacher stalking me, and has been giving me a hard time. And told him that she would be comming to see him. Thought I saw the psycotic teacher on the bus with me, a few times as I was going to work, told the contracter, over heard a conversation les and bill "If it turnes out to be true we will just have to get rid of him, tell him we don't need his services any more" Exectutive Secretary recieved a phone call "Yes miss teacher, we are just waiting for his boss now" "yes miss teacher he is comming to see you". The contracter came and told me not to worry about it" then he left the office with bill and les. when he came back to the office over heard them stating that she was fucked-up, the contractor told me not to worry about it. Executive Secretary recives 3 phone calls which someone hung up in her ear.

Sitting at the bar, having a drink, Women 5'10" with blond hair, sitting beside me talking to a man when she turnes my way looks my way, gives me a dirty look while she looks me up and down and states "I heard he even raped her."I noticed then it was the same women that said the psycotic Teacher thought I'm an asshole, on the street, and the same women at the meet and great.

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