The BEST site that we know of
for authentic Islamic teachings. A large number of original and recently
translated works on 'aqeedah, tawheed, minhaj,
comparative religion and much more. A must for all Muslims!
Revival Of Islaamic Da'wah (TROID)
A site whichs calls both non-Muslims
and Muslims alike to the pure teachings and practices of Islam. This site
also has a wealth of authentic Islamic information on-line, as well as books
and tapes.
Q & A
A very comprehensive site with
questions and answers on a very wide range of Islamic-related topics. It
provides intelligent, authoritative and unapologetic responses - supported
by evidence from the Qur'an and Sunnah. Anyone can submit questions and the
responses are composed by Shaykh Muhammed Salih Al-Munajjid, an
Islamic lecturer and author.
Qur'an and Sunnah Society of North America
A site dedicated to providing a
source of authentic Islamic information, as understood as-Salaf
as-Salih, for Muslims and non-Muslims alike. They have several nice
articles and publications.
An excellent site with some original
articles which are well worth reading.
as-Sahih: Authentic Proofs Islamic Site
The Authentic Proof is Found in the
Quran and The Sunnah, So Let the Authentic Proof go forth and don't stop it,
but act upon on it, implement it and spread it! This site contains a nice
collection of Islamic links, Islamic audio resources and Islamic magazines.
Sunnah Islamic Page
A very well-designed site that has
some nice links and articles.
- University of Houston
A comprehensive site put together by
an active Muslim Students Association (MSA) chapter. It contains a
large variety of authentic Islamic information.
Ihyaa' Minhaaj al-Sunnah
An Islamic organization in the U.K.
dedicated to calling for a return to the sublime Qur'an and Sunnah
according to the understanding of as-Salaf
True Creed Homepage
An original site with a large
collection of authentic Islamic information.
Call to Islam Home Page
By the University College London
Islamic Society, this site contains a nice collection of authentic
Islamic information.
Society for Adherence to Sunnah
A site with a collection of original
articles dedicated to calling Muslims to practice Islam as understood by the
as-Salaf as-Salih.
A site that we co-operate with a
great deal. Check this site regularly, since they post original
articles responding to the attacks of Christian missionaries and
This site is a gold mine of links and
articles covering many aspects of the debate between Christianity and Islam.
A Must!
is Our Saviour?
So who is your saviour? God or Jesus?
This site has quite a number of well thought out articles that address many
points that Christians often miss. The Bible is clear that Jesus and God are
not the same, so it's time for a decsion!
on Christianity
A collection of articles which
discuss the Bible, why Jesus is NOT "divine", misconceptions about
Islam and much more.
This site carries a lot of material
and links related to the Muslim-Christian debate, including quite a number
of responses to Christian missionary attacks on Islam.
Biblical Criticism Links Page
The page that your church does NOT
want you to find!!! This link list - originally compiled by us -
contains links to a lot of interesting articles, critiques and other
information that decisively proves that the Bible is not the "inerrant
Word of God". This page should interest all Muslims and Christians,
and even though Muslims don't necessarily agree with all of the observations
on this page, it makes for excellent reading!
for Judaism
Read about why those who really
know the Old Testament reject the claims of Christians concerning the
(alleged) divinity of Jesus, the Trinity, etc., etc. All three of their books
are recommended reading for all Truth Seekers, as well as their articles.
Noble Qur'an
An on-line version of the translation
of Dr. Muhammd al-Hilaali and Dr. Muhammad Muhsin Khan.
A nice site with a wealth of
Al-Kareem (Arabic)
A very well organized site that
offers on-line translations of the Qur'an in various languages, as
well as several Arabic tafseers of the Qur'an using nice
pull-down menus. You need an Arabized browser to read most of the tafseer
and Hadith
A site with a fairly extensive
selection of on-line Sunnah and Hadith database resources.
This site includes 1,700 Hadiths
common between Imam Al-Bukhari and Imam Muslim, the most renowned and
authentic compilers of Hadiths.
Introduction to the Science of Hadith
An on-line version of the book by
Suhaib Hasan.
Science of Hadith
A quick overview of the components
and classifications of hadith.
Homepage of Abu Ameenah Bilal Phillips
This site contains a list of all of the books and publications by one of the
best contemporary Muslim authors who is dedicated to spreading the authentic
teachings of Islam. All of his books are highly recommended for Muslims and
non-Muslims alike.
Publications & Translations
The publisher of some fine Islamic books by Shaykh Jamal ad-Deen
A nice site for authentic Islaamic works.
This site contains some excellent authentic Islamic books for helping
Muslims obtain a proper understanding of Islam.
Qur'an and Sunnah Society - Bookstore
Some nice publications which provide authentic Islamic knowledge.
A great selection of books, gifts, clothing, audio visuals, software and
CD's on Islam and the Muslim World.
They offer a wide selection of authentic Islamic books, including
translations on classic works of 'aqeedah, hadeeth, seerah,
etc. You can order the books on-line.
Publications International
They offer a large selection of Islamic books; tapes, CDs and videos; and
assorted products for both adults and children.
Ihyaa' Minhaaj al-Sunnah - Booklist
This U. K. organization was one of the earliest publishers of authentic
Islamic books for those wanting to follow in the footsteps of the as-Salaf
as-Salih. They offer some excellent Islamic books.
Answers - Essential Reading List
Contains a recommended reading list as well as a list of Islamic booksellers
in the U.S. and the U.K.
Al-Kitab Al-Arabi
An On-Line Arabic and Islamic Bookstore which carries a wide selection of
books in both Arabic and English. Their Arabic books include quite a number
of classic Islamic works as well as books by Shaikh-ul-Islam Ibn
Taymiyyah and Shaikh al-Albaani.
Computing Centre - U.K.
They have an extensive collection of Islamic software covering the Qur'an,
Hadith, Seerah, etc.
Alim for Windows ™
The World's Most Useful Islamic Software for the study of Qur'an, Hadith
and Fiqh.
Home Page
This site offers several unique Islamic software packages, including PrayerTimes
for Windows™ and Al-Fajr Wake-Up for Windows™.
A company that is well known throughout the Arabic-speaking World. They
offer high quality Arabic language and Islamic software.
Arabic Language Program
The best books and cassettes for learning the authentic Arabic of the
Qur'an and Sunnah, these books are used in The Islamic University of
Medinah al-Munawwara. The program consists of books on Arabic grammar
which help with reading, writing and exercises which help with
comprehension, along with Nusoos (Higher Qur'anic Grammar and
Terminology). They have all been written with the aim of taking the
student step by step through the basics with an emphasis on the language
of Qur'an and Hadeeth.
Arabic Teacher™
A new Arabic learning software A comprehensive interactive Arabic language
learning and teaching software.
Arabic Language Adventure
The complete interactive guide to the Arabic language and customs allows
you to tour twenty-one Arabic countries. It uses both Arabic script
and English transliteration.
A nice site for learning Arabic on-line. The introductory lessons are
free, but there is a fee for accessing the more advanced levels.
Verb Conjugation
An unique, interesting and potentially very useful site. It can
conjugate a large number of Arabic verbs into all of its various forms
using transliteration, not Arabic script.
PC-based Windows Arabic Learning Software with sound - for kids and
Arabic Language Institute in Fez (ALIF)
Study Arabic in Morocco! The Arabic Language Institute in Fez (ALIF)
offers three and six-week courses in all levels of Modern Standard Arabic
and Colloquial Moroccan Arabic throughout the year, and has established
itself as the pre-eminent institution in the Maghreb for the teaching of
Arabic as a foreign language.
for Arabic Language in Yemen
An Institute for studying classical, modern standard and dialect Arabic.
We've heard good things about the quality of instruction at this
Fajr Center
The Fajr Center for the Arabic Language was created in Cairo in 1995 with
the sole purpose of teaching the classical Arabic Language – also known
as Fus-ha or Modern Standard Arabic – to non-Arabs.
A company that is well known throughout the Arabic-speaking World. The
offer high quality software for learning the Arabic language.
Al-Kitab Al-Arabi
An On-Line Arabic and Islamic Bookstore which carries a wide selection of
books in both Arabic and English. Their Arabic books include quite a
number of classic Islamic works as well as books by Shaikh-ul-Islam
Ibn Taymiyyah and Shaikh al-Albaani.
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