"... Hey, you go underground, you gotta learn to live with the rats."-Krycek--"Tunguska"
Well here is the real reason I made this web page.. MY.RATBOY!!
When I first saw Krycek, I will admit I didn't care for him all that much, but like all good evil he grew on me.  I mean just look at him...The RAT is fine, smart, dangerous,  his own man,  vulnerable,  sexy,  funny,  mysterious,   just plain mean (I can go on all day if you wish), a hero in disguise ...etc.  Basically the perfect man.....(minus the arm thingy...but hey you cant be choosy). 

Alex Krycek
Height: 6'1"
Weight: 180 lbs.
Hair: brown
Eyes: hazel
Gender: Male
Date of Birth: unknown*    
Nationality: America**
Physical defects: amuptated left arm***        

* Ratboy's age has never been established.   Though he appears to be somewhere between 25 and 35.   (Actually in  an early draft of the "Sleepless" script,Ratboy was  described as being 25 years old.)
** "Patient X" [5x13]----Quoted as saying -- ".....kiss my American ass.."
*** "Terma" [4x10]----While being pinned down by  band of one arm men,  my Ratboy's left arm is crudely amputated by a red hot knife.  ( My poor Ratty was writhing in agony screaming out) .

Quick Synopsis
When we first see our devilishly handsome Ratboy he has been assigned as Mulder's new "rookie" partner, fresh out of the academy . We soon learn that he is a double agent working for CSM and the Consortium.  During this time it is alleged he took an active part in Scully's abduction, Duane Berry's death, attempt on Mulder's life, attempting to murder Scully, an accomplice to the death of Scully's sister Melissa, and the murder of Mulder's father (and assorted misdeeds). The blotched attempt on Scully's life leads to the Consortium cutting its loses, in turn, trying to exterminate our Ratboy.  However, as all RATS do, Krycek slips away with the cheese in hand.  The cheese here is the infamous MJ files.

When next we see our lovable Ratboy he has crawled out from the sewers and becomes in direct contact with the first appearance of the alien black oily stuff, while Mulder tries to force him  to hand over the MJ files.  But, in order to save his life, Krycek hands the cheese over to CSM. This alien enitity controls Krycek forcing him to go to a missle silo where the entity then leaves his body entombing our Ratboy.

Our Ratboy now turned informant to the Mighty Mulder leads him to Tunguska and a Siberian Gulag.  Here we see our Ratboy is not just a lowly rat but the big cheese as a renagade Russian agent of sorts.  Ratboy still hunted by the X-files gang is mistreated and abused but survives to attack another day..informing Mulder of the true meaning of the blackoil and the whole conspiracy to find a cure and the spreading of the virus for an complete alien colonization.  Krycek is now firmly implanted in the Black oil conspiracy.

Where will next season lead our Ratboy?.....The movie my have casually left him out..thinking him not worthy enough for a large role, but the true Ratnicks are still believers in him.