- New " Hong Kong Action Theatre " Campaign Page plus 1st Adventure Recap
" A Tale of Two Brothers " uploaded.
- Revamped Deadlands homepage uploaded.
- Revamped GURPS Page uploaded.
- New CoC Recap The Innsmouth Inheritance uploaded.
- CoC Character Sheets Loaded.
- New Recaps uploaded -
Battletech &
- New Recap uploaded -BattleTech 'Royalty & Rogues'
- New Recap uploaded -AD&D Grayworld 'The Base'
- New Recaps uploaded - CoC 'The Reptilian Rites of Dokter Krow & BTech 'All Space Lanes Lead to Antallos'
- Revamped the Spacemaster / Star Wars Page
- Uploaded new Fallout Recap 'Into the Deep Desert to Modoc'
- Uploaded a new AD&D La'Ger of La'mot campaign recap
'The Resurrectionists'.
THINGS THAT HAPPENED TO THE 'KEEP' IN 2003 (in reverse chronological order)
- Uploaded new Fallout Recap 'Loose Ends in The Den'
& the Fallout Secret Note Log from that RPG Session
- Uploaded Player Profile images and a new updated version of The Right Stuff form.
- New Player Profile templates loaded.
- A little revamp of the Main Keep page to make it
a little more compact plus the addition of the all new 'Marvellous
Rate-a-Film-o-Rama Engine' to help Rofers who find it hard to create film
- Massive revamp of the AD&D page. Check it out! Also
transferred the new Cyberpunk & AD&D pages to my Tiscali account. So no
more annoying geo adverts on these pages. Will try to migrate all the new
sections to my Tiscali account in the coming months.
- Revamped the Cyberpunk Page with the another new
Keep layout template.
- Revamped the CoC and BattleTech pages with the new
Keep layout template.
- Uploaded 3rd new chapter of recap from latest session of the Fallout Campaign (The Toxic Caves).
- Revamped the Fallout page. 3rd Chapter of latest
Fallout session nearly finished.
THINGS THAT HAPPENED TO THE 'KEEP' IN 2002 (in reverse chronological order)
- Uploaded 2nd new chapter of recap from latest session of the Fallout Campaign (The Den).
- Uploaded 1st new chapter of recap from latest session of the Fallout Campaign (Random Encounter).
- Uploaded the New Superhero page for PhilM's new Superhero Campaign.
- Updated the Deadlands page as Rich finally lost his DMing Cherry and