Medieval Resources
        Being in the SCA the one area you get to study is medieval history to gain an understanding of the times and of the the culture not as we see it in the movies, but as it was lived. In actuality it was not the romantic life many believe it to be. There were many hardships of normal life that the masses endured. Not everyone was royalty or knights gallivanting about in search of honor. Those bygone days were not one of a democracy but one lived under a monarchy. What I present here is a list of sites to further delve into the medieval world, to taste the grit the people endured and perhaps gain an insight to those days.

        The sites listed below are just the tip of an iceberg. There are many geographical locations to study and hopefully the links provided can help you on your quest for knowledge.


            Links to follow......... 
 Labyrinth Home Page                                                          

 Resources for Medieval Studies                                         

 Old English Pages

 The Middle Ages

 Wyrme's Knights

     The Online Medieval and Classical Library (DL SunSITE)

      Charles W. Nelson Homepage


     A History And Mythos Of The Knights Templar

     The Knights Templar

     Byzance . Opening Page

     Byzantium: The Byzantine Studies Page

     Texas Medieval Association Home Page

     Medieval Institute at WMU, index



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