What's New in the Lair!
October 3, 1998
- Life is still hectic. I've been able to keep the Anime Tape List fairly up to date, but that's because it's the only page that I don't code by hand. I'll try to get more done next weekend. It seems that the summer is a big idle time for me. Probably the mixture of work and play. I'll try to be better, I promise.
- I added a button to a couple of my pages and it looks like this:
If you click on it, it'll take you to BonusMail which is a really good place to earn points which is redeemable for stuff. You don't even have to buy stuff, just take email ads into your inbox. I recommend getting a hotmail or a yahoo account to hold it so your normal Inbox isn't flooded. Besides I get points if you just click the button and don't do anything else!
- I'm aware of the broken links and will hopefully have them fixed or gone in the next week or so. Sorry about them. As I said earlier, I haven't had time to re-do my page in awhile.
July 12, 1998
- I'm terribly sorry but my life has been hectic lately and I've been unable to update this page. Please bear with me until things settle down a bit. I'll have some new stuff soon!
- I did manage to get an updated anime list out there. There's been a large number of commercial acquisitions lately, and I might have missed a few, so be patient while I sort it out please? Thanks.
April 15, 1997 (Got those taxes in?)
April 4, 1998
- Congratulations to Sae for winning the Name that Room Contest. Sae won the Magic Knight Rayearth poster that can be seen here. She also will have her name on the Anime page when it's done as credit. Her winning entry will be revealed on the day the page is done. Congrats again Sae!
April 1, 1998
View Archived What's New:
1997 4th Quarter
1998 1st Quarter