(date) 11/11/98
(NAME) Brandy Rae M. Kalahiki
(My news is)
This is just a quick note to tell you guys my email
address has changed. It is now okichic_80@hotmail.com.
I asked Jeremy to change it, but I know he's busy.Bye,
Brandy Rae
(NAME) Cara Neudigate
(My news is)
College Life rocks!!
Oki will live on forever, but college is a great step for the future!!
(date) 9/30/98
I just wanted to announce the marriage of Jessica Webster and John
Barney will take place in a year or so. I wanted you all to know
insted of writing a million letters. I miss you all and hope to hear
from all of you. We're now in Boise, Idaho. We're staying with Adam
Gentle. It's nice here but I really miss Okinawa. I hope you all take care.
Love, Jess
well this will be the news page