Klepto Kwiz

Autolycus has built up quite a reputation for stealing. After all, he is the "King of Thieves".

In episode after episode, he can be found lifting something out of a royal vault or sacred temple. But he doesn't always steal the royal gemstone or the sacred icon. He has often been known to lift some very unusual and mundane artifacts to advance his cause.

On this page you will see a number of Hercules and Xena Episodes. On the right is a list of stolen artifacts. Can you match the episode with the stolen item?
Warning: our thief was very resourceful in some episodes, stealing more than just one item.

So get out a pen and some paper and take this fun quiz.
(Yeah, yeah, as Autolycus would say, "How quaint, pen and paper." Haven't quite gotten that web savvy yet.)

quallis stone
EpisodeItem Stolen
Royal Couple of Thieves1. A sword
The End of The Beginning2. Knife of Helios
The Quest3. A coin from a Pocket
King of Thieves4. String of Pearls
Beanstalks and Bad Eggs5. Dragon's Eye Ruby
King of Assasins6. Silverware
Men in Pink7. Key to the City
Porkules8. The 10 Commandments
My Fair Cupcake9. Chronos Stone (pictured above)
One Fowl Day10. A Bag of Beans
Genies, Grecians and Geeks11. A Suitcase
Just Passing Through12. Hermes' Sandles
Hercules, Tramps and Thieves13. Antioch Sapphire
14. A Lamp
15. King Talus' Moneybag
16. Artemis' Bow
17. Invitation to a Royal Ball
18. Burlap Sacks
Click on the link below to view the correct answers.

the answers


antioch sapphire
EpisodeItem(s) Stolen
Royal Couple of ThievesThe 10 Commandments
The End of The Beginning Quallis Stone
The QuestKnife of Helios
King of ThievesDragon's Eye Ruby
Beanstalks and Bad EggsA bag of Beans
King of AssasinsA sword
Men in PinkKing Talus' Moneybag
PorkulesHermes' Sandles
Artemis' Bow
My Fair CupcakeInvitation to a Royal Ball
Antioch Sapphire (pictured above)
One Fowl DayBurlap Sacks
Genies, Grecians and GeeksA Lamp
Just Passing ThroughKey to the City
String of Pearls
Hercules, Tramps and ThievesCoin from a Pocket

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