This will be a page consistenting of members. As there are alot of members, we will not be able to list all members. We will devise some sort of listing requirements having to do with level, amount of time played and last time logged on. Obviously players who do not log on very often or who are just begining the game will not be listed. Most likely officers and ranking veterans.

NickName Race Class Level Honor Points Profession 1 Profession 2 Total Points Av Kill
Reavanhowrd Night ElfWarrior 40 500 MiningBlacksmithing 836562.89
EZeldaVO Night ElfHunter 46 636 SkinningLeatherworking 23121110.10
Bopa HumanPaladin 22 40 UnknownUnknown 145065.91
Eggmanerr HumanPaladin 31 0 MiningBlacksmithing 29658169.47

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