Once you have been made a
Knight of Comics, you
must realize your responsibilities as one.
As a Knight of Comics
You must abide by the "1-0/2-1"
policy. This policy relaxes some of the more harsh requirements to
remain a part of this webring that this webring used to uphold in
the past, yet, it requires me to vigorously enforce the "webpage
updating" policy. What this policy does is simple:
If you update your webpage at least once a month, you are *not*
required to participate in the selection process. You will still
receive an email to vote, and voting will still be suggested, but
highly optional, at your convenience. The selection process basically
requires you to have an active role and say in whether to accept new
members into the Knights of Comics or not. Once you are a member, you
will receive a weekly voting ballot where new queues that had been
submitted during that week will be put up for a vote by all
the member knights of the Knights of Comics on whether to bestow the
webpage owner of that particular webpage the distinguished title of
"knight" of the Knights of Comics.
Applies to those of you who do *not* update your webpage at least
once a month, but do update it on occasions. What this part of the
policy is implying is that for those of you who don't update at least
once a month, you WILL BE REQUIRED TO
MONTH. If not, you will receive a warning letter that your
"knighthood" in the Knights of Comics *IS IN JEOPARDY* for not
voting (if the webpage hasn't been updated in a 30-day period, and my
records indicate that you haven't voted at all during that 30-day
CIRCUMSTANCES ARE. But, if you did vote within the month
but didn't update, then you *must* update the next month, regardless
of how many times you vote. If your page hasn't been updated within a
2-month period, regardless of how many times you've participated in
the selection process and voted within the past two months, you will
also receive a warning letter that your "knighthood" in the Knights
of Comics *IS IN JEOPARDY*. You will only have a 14-day
period with which to update your webpage, or face demotion back to a
"squire" of the Knights of Comics (move to the queue list, and not
get any hits to your webpage from the Knights of Comics webring)
until you have proof that your webpage has been updated. I strongly
feel that in a two month period, you have 8 weekends to at least get
*something* updated on your webpage, whether it be an update that
takes 30 minutes or an update that takes a few hours. I don't believe
that any webpage which remains idle for a two-month period is a
webpage which its owner is dedicated to anymore, and since this
webring promises its ringsurfers that *all* websites on this webring
is updated at least once a month, I am going to make *sure* that
this policy is upheld as strongly as I can.
Only you will have the privelage of using the webring
graphic denoting you as a Knight of Comics. :)
It is your responsibility to know which
Knights of Comics Webring graphic to use. Again, you must put the
graphical version of the Knights of Comics webring information on your
opening page if you don't have a separate page for all
webrings. If you do have a separate page for webrings (see my
Wolverine Page for
an example), you can use the non-graphical version of the Knights of
Comics webring located in the requirements
portion of this site. But you must still use this graphical version
of the Knights of Comics webring on your webring page.
If you find any pages that might qualify for knighthood at
this page, or if you catch any knights already on this page that have
violated these codes, let me
know and I will attend to it immediately.
If you have any need to edit your information (i.e. new
URL, title, etc.) use this form:
or if for some strange reason (for example, you lost your password) you
want to do it on a different site, click here.
Knights of Comics