The Sound Page of Transformer JoeŽ!
These are some of the sounds that I have, and there will be more don't you worry!
Real Audio
Transformer Songs
1-1st Season TF Theme
2-2nd Season TF Theme
3-3rd Season TF Theme
4-BeastWars Theme
1-Devastator's "Prepare for.."
2-Galvatron's "We all must die.."
3-Galvatron's "Here's a hint."
4-Hotrod & RC "Then you probably didn't understand.."
5-SoundWave's "Eject eject..."
6-SoundWave's "Prepare for oblivion."
7-Wreckgar's "Offer expires..."
8-Unicron's "Bargaining posture.."
9- Universal Greeting..."
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