source: James Hagen <>
Cthulhu's icon is a small (1 foot tall), stone statue which is always covered in a slimy, seaweed like substance. The statue is of a small, blubbery, humanoid creature with an uncountable number of tentacles around a evil beak (like a squid or an octopus). The artifact is usually found near or in the water (swamps, sewers, etc.). The artifact cannot be destroyed, escape is often found by throwing it into the ocean or large body of water. The icon grants more powers than I will list, at Cthulhu's own discretion.
The person that finds the icon will constantly obssess about it day and night and will feel an urge to worship it and chant in an unknown language. As several weeks pass, the icon's finder will try to get people he knows to see the idol as he does, as a god, as Cthulhu. The spells it gives to its finders are: Clairvoyance, Clairaudience, Chaotic World, Control Thoughts, Armor, and Increase Attribute (or cyber). All spells are cast at Force 8 and all drain is divided by 4 (i.e. Armor is (([f/2]+2)/4)M as the spells are being cast by Cthulhu through the finder). The icon's finder will try to create a cult around the icon, using his powers to further this goal.
This is an old, leatherbound book with yellowed pages. The print is faded and in an unknown language, the pictures are hand-drawn in brown (dried blood) and black. If anyone could read the book (no one can) they would find it telling the tale of a butcher/homocidal maniac who killed the town's people for meat to sell. The pictures depict a large, burly man as the butcher, he has a beard and is bald with a scar running over his left eye.
The book will make whoever finds it want to read it even though they cannot, the book leads the person on with the pictures, but he will have an insatiable urge to read and study the book. So without the original story, the finder will just have to write a new one. The finder will take on the appearance of the butcher along with his general characteristics — +2str and body, -1 int, char and quick; armed combat of 8. The book will command the new Butcher to kill and make meat from humans.
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