Brett's AD&D Page

This link off of my page will be dedicated to those of you who have an interest in D&D or AD&D. If I can get my hands on music or sound effects from games, I will add them to this. Comments are appreciated and can be sent to me at

My Experiences With the AD&D World

I started playing AD&D when I was eight. My character is a cleric of lawful good alignment, and is currently at the experience level of 11. My character now has his own kingdom so as to spread the word of his deity. Along on the current adventure is one of his followers, now at level 7. We are currently battleing the drow elves and giants based on the Greyhawk module, Queen of Spiders. All of our adventures have been on Greyhawk with the exception of one, which took place on Krynn.

Updated info on my characters adventure will be posted on these following lines.

Last update: 7/14/00

- Among our ventures down in the underground, we have found one of the most durable and strongest ores known to the world, Adamentite.

- On approach to the Drow city, we have encounted a race of Fishmen known as Couatone. Invading their homes which is also their shrine, we have killed probably every one of them, but with heavy casualties as only 2 of 6 PC's remained standing and of the 8 Gnomes that accomanied us to help rid them of these fishmen, only 3 survived.

- We are currently making our way back to the surface for training, rest, and repairs of weapons and armor. We hope to be able to hire some people to assist us when we return to the underground.

- Out of the underground, we have finally re-entered the Fire Giant lair. It's good to finally fight something other than drow for a change. Almost out.

- We have finally reached the surface and returned to the city of Istaven. While here, the party is going to repair items, restock on missing one's, and try to enchant new items to make them worthwhile.

- After long and hard searching we have finally accomplished something. Finding the Drow city we can now seek out a way to defeat the Drow and lift the encompassing bubble surrounding Istaven.

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