I hope to eventually get some pictures of Tracy and Brad Linaweaver on this page from the Sliders panel, if I can ever finish off the roll and get them to the developer. Stay tuned!
If you attended the 1997 Dragon*Con, watch the Sci-Fi Channel's Sci-Fi Buzz Dragon*Con edition on July 22, with repeats on 7/26 and 8/2. You might just see someone you know. Maybe even yourself.
Plans are now being made for the 1998 Dragon*Con. It will take place September 3-6, 1998. The main programming will be at the Hyatt Regency Hotel in Atlanta, Ga. Visit the official page (link above) to view a list of the guests already signed for 1998. (Subject to change.)
Click here to view the transcript of the Sliders panel on June 27, 1997.
Click here to hear wav sounds from the panel!
Click Here to see pictures of Tracy Torme'.