endora.gif (44091 bytes) endorb.gif (52588 bytes)


galax4.jpg (72577 bytes) Welcome to Imperial Intelligence Network.

From here you will launch your journey to learn all the secrets of Star Wars universe. This site will be updated with more stuff for you to search and browse.


February 27th 1999

We have now moved to a new address at
It's an incredible dealer where it sells a lot of toys. Not only about Star Wars but a large
range of toys from other cartoons.
But if you want to jump to Imperial Intelligence Network right away.
Go to this address www.starwarsandstuff.com/intell.html
However, I strongly suggest that you come to the main web page so you can look what's new
on that great web page.

January 21st 1999

I've added the Capital Ships section in the Galactic Empire section. Only the Assault Shuttle is working. I'll add more in the coming days and weeks.

January 20th 1999

It has been a long time that I haven't updated this page. I want to thank the people who sign my guestbook. Right now I am working on better layouts and graphics. As you can see, you can already see the difference from the old ones. The only thing that it's working is the Galactic Empire section. I have work a lot during my absence but I have new stuff to come for this page. Also, we might move to another place but so far nothing has been confirmed. If you have any question or suggestion. E-mail me at bonilla@globalserve.net



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