Reviews of Red Dwarf

What I think about 'em!

My Overview of the 7th Season

Well, I did enjoy the new Red Dwarf! The effects were a lot better and the filming style was noticeably different. But I think progress and technology have taken the hilarious edge out of the storyline! I think, that because everything looked so fake, it was a lot funnier and added to the atmosphere! Red Dwarf will never be quite the same without both halves of the Grant/Naylor team working on the show! But that's my opinion. I was happy to hear that Kochanski was coming back to the show, and I thought it would be that same little actress with the high-pitched voice with the thick Yorkshire accent. Infortunately not! I thought the new Kochanski was a good actress, although nothing like the fun-loving girl Lister dated for 3 weeks! She was harder, colder, a lot more of a......well, you know! She just wasn't very nice! And, I think that they played a little too much on the fact that Kryten was so jealous of her and Lister! That was a little ANNOYING! It was funny at first, but when it happened EVERY SINGLE EPISODE after, it was irritating!

I think it was also the fact that Rimmer wasn't around to be prudish and a complete idiot all the time also took a lot of the humorous edge off the show! The "Boys from the Dwarf" just aren't the same without him! But, thankfully, he will be back in the 8th series and the new MOVIE! The reason he wasn't available for the 7th is because he had another filming schedule on another show that couldn't be rectified! Rumor is that filming of the new season is taking place this summer, and filming on the movie will begin sometime near the beginning of the New Year! I think I heard March in there somewhere! DON'T QUOTE ME ON THAT!


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